Posts Tagged ‘Internet Marketing’

10 Fave Twitter Tools for Realtors


Although is great for some things, (searches, etc.) Twitter beceomes a MUCH more powerful tool when used with a host of 3rd party tools.  There are 100s, if not 1000s of such tools.  Here is a list of some of my faves.  Please do not feel you need to use any or all of these… Read the descriptions and see which ones might work for you and then learn to use ONE at a time…  As you become more and more experienced with Twitter, you will figure out JUST which of these tools fit into your twitter style and schedule…

This is step two on your journey…  Have Fun!!

1. TweetDeck is a desktop Twitter and Facebook application. Like other Twitter applications it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets, view profiles, and organize your Twitter friends into groups.

2.HootSuite is the professional Twitter client. With HootSuite, you can manage multiple Twitter profiles, pre-schedule tweets, and measure your success.


3. Twellow‘s web site has huge database of Twitter users sorted nicely into categories! Very good way to follow and get some related followers. There’s many categories 3, Tellow is the Twitter Yellow Pages. If you haven’t registered your Real Estate Twitter account on Twellow, it is time to do so.


4. Nearby Tweets monitors the buzz on your business and local markets.


5. Search Yes, Twitter search.  Learn all the ways to search for prospects.  For example, if you enter in the twitter search box…  near: 92660 house, you will get everyone who lives in that zip that has used the word house in their tweet.  A valuable tool for agents.


6. TweetLater is really great tool where you can automatically follow people that follow you and you can submit tweets to be published at specific times. Very good and very effective tool for all Twitter freaks for sure.


7. Demand Spot is a Twitter mining tool that allows you to search (by keyword) and tweet people who are looking for homes to buy or rent in your local area.


8. allows you to shorten share and track your links.


9. Twext.Me is a cool service by Jeff Turner that sends your Twitter mentions to you via SMS text message. Go about your day and never miss another conversation!


10. BubbleTweet adds a personalized video to your twitter account.
