Deliver…or else.

By Jim Marks on April 04, 2008

The Web 2.0 consumer has a short attention span. This we know. But how short? How many times can we expect azerobutton searcher to click on a link or page BEFORE he or she gets exactly what they came for… WHAT THEY WERE SEARCHING FOR… three, two, one… I think not… Let’s try zero.

One of the great (unplanned) features of the BLOG is the long tail.. Yeah, Yeah, I know. SEO… But this is not about SEO. It is about the most efficient content delivery imaginable… zero click content delivery.

What do you search for and what do you expect to find when get the results. Let’s pretend a search for Large Pink Horse shoes… Okay, go to Google and type it in… What are the results? Let’s see…

Chances are you will get a site that has “large pink horseshoes” in the description… but when you go to the site? all you see is Large Pink Horses…. Wait is there a link to horse shoes? There is a link to the pair of horseshoes that are on the horse in the picture…. But I want all pink horseshoes…..

I am out…

However if I land on a blog post with content about Large Pink Horseshoes, how many clicks away am I now…. Here is the post…. Zero clicks.

Now, here is your challenge… How do you make your Real Estate Website, a zero click website. What are your searchers looking for, and how quickly can you provide it…

Build it and they will come.

12 Comments on “Deliver…or else.”

  • jerry bieser April 23rd, 2008 8:41 pm

    that’s what we’re working towards…beez

  • Christine April 23rd, 2008 10:32 pm

    I’m working on the blog, so hopefully the long tail searches will follow.

  • Stacey Harmon April 24th, 2008 2:56 pm

    Great Post! It makes me think about the Diverse Solutions Chat widget that is part of their IDX solution. I LOVE the idea that by using the widget on my website, users can chat with me and I’ll get it on my cell phone, but I don’t like that they have to select an icon that says “Chat with Agent”, then put in an email and name (even though it isn’t mandatory to chat) before they are connected to a chat screen. Seems too many steps to me, and runs the risk of turning off the user who thinks they have to give me information before they can connect to me. In contrast, I can post the Meebo widget and users can start chatting with me right away. Now, if only I could send that Meebo chat to my cell phone….or better yet, Diverse Solutions (who I think is GREAT) could make a chat widget that cuts out the two steps it takes to actually chat with an agent (and I could get notified of that on my cell phone).

  • Erin Campbell May 6th, 2008 7:06 am

    Thank you Jim! Your “lesson” at the Irvine 4RealzEd event gave me a lot to think about in terms of how Assist-2-Sell delivers content to home buyers and sellers. This post is great reinforcement! Large pink horse shoes, huh?

  • Brett Noel May 11th, 2008 2:04 am

    Great thoughts to Ponder

  • James St James May 12th, 2008 9:45 pm

    Back on track after a little mini vaca. Very excited to see how this unfolds and where it goes.

  • Linsey Planeta May 21st, 2008 11:53 pm

    I’m just launching my blog. This sounds so simple in theory but the more I learn the more I discover I need to learn….but I’m working on it! 🙂

  • Jim Marks May 22nd, 2008 2:21 am


    We are here to help! You have the energy, now its just a matter of applying what you are learning!

  • David May 28th, 2008 5:05 am

    You had me at Zero Click!

  • Roz Mishkind June 3rd, 2008 10:24 pm

    Your information is so helpful…I “get” it, I now need to get it working on my website – Thanks

  • Kerin Cantwell June 18th, 2008 3:33 am

    Great post! The difficulty comes in balancing elegant presentation (and no need for scrolling down to read a whole page!) with one-click ease. Solutions anyone?

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