Welcome Andy Kaufman and the My East Bay Team to the Virtual Results Family

By Drew Meyers on January 08, 2011

Only a few months after we launched Brad Coy’s site, we’d like to welcome one of the other co-founders of the RE BarCamp movement, Andy Kaufman, to the growing Virtual Results family. For those of you that aren’t aware, I LOVE RE BarCamps) and am looking forward to attending a few of them in 2011. Andy has been a friend of both Jim and myself for several years now as a result of the RE BarCamp movement, and it was a no brainer when he came to us looking for a site a couple months ago — OF COURSE we’d love to build a bitching website for him. I know I can speak for Jim when I say we couldn’t be more excited to work with Andy and his team going forward — he’s one of those people that’s just impossible not to like. Not a bad way to kick off the new year if I may say so myself…Andy, whenever i see you IRL again, next beer is on me!

Head on over to My East Bay Agent and let us (and him) know what you think!! If you want your own site, let us know.

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