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Changes Based On Analytics

By h-flow

“All it took was a brief description of HOW and WHY Virtual Results designed Websites that Work the way they do… They design and make changes based on Analytics. They watch what does and doesn’t work and constantly improve…”

They Knew It All

By h-flow

“I interviewed a lot of Internet Companies that knew design, or social media, or even SEO… but Virtual Results was the only company I interviewed that knew it all, and planned to succeed from square one…


By h-flow


Cooper is our most popular site…  Not that the colors are for everyone, but most Realtors, (it seems) just cant quite get accustomed to a completely “stealth” content-driven website.  They like a touch of warmth, and we provide this with a header image and introduction that speaks to the area we are servicing.  Cooper is proven and the analytics are inarguable.  This site engages readers and converts them to leads…  Cooper is are old stand by.  Available in any pallet and with a few custom patches to make it your own, Cooper MIGHT be the site for you…

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