Blog Post SEO – How to Make an Individual Blog Post Rank Highly

By on April 16, 2010

Writing a blog post with the goal of ranking for a specific keyword and don’t know how to maximize the chances (note I didn’t say GUARANTEE) that the post will rank for your desired keywords? Again, since I’m not a real estate agent, I’m a little different in the way I approach blogging — at least on my personal blog — due to not making a living from the people I attract to my blog. I’m not trying to sell anything, don’t make money on advertising, or hope to convince people to hire me as a consultant. Therefore, I really don’t think about SEO that much when I when I write on my personal blog aside from the title of the post and the links/anchor text I place in my post. But that said, I thought a lot about SEO during my time at Zillow and have successfully gotten individual articles to rank extremely well for desired keywords on Geek Estate Blog and Zillow Blog. For instance, do a Google search for “real estate website providers” and you’ll see my blog post #1 on that list. So, here’s the way I approach posts that I’m specifically trying to make rank well for desired keywords:

1. Pick the keywords you want to go after. Let’s use “condos for sale in Queen Anne” as an example. For those who don’t know, Queen Anne is the neighborhood where I used to live in Seattle.

2. Make sure to include your desired keyword in the title of you blog post. This is the single most important thing you can do. If you don’t do ANYTHING else mentioned in this post, make sure you at least put your desired keywords in the title. You can certainly still rank without doing this, but you’re going to have to go through unnecessary hurdles and spend extra effort to get there. For the example of “condos for sale in Queen Anne”, I would consider post titles such as “Great Deals on Condos for Sale in Queen Anne” or “Latest Queen Anne Condos for Sale”

3. Write a GREAT post with relevant information, a good voice, and unique content that would interest the exact type of person you hope to attract to your blog. Content is still king in my opinion. In the “Condos for sale in Queen Anne” example, one piece of content that should be available in that post should be — you guessed it, actual condos for sale in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle. If you use a company such as Diverse Solutions, this is easy with their new dsIDXPress WP Plugin. But make sure to include additional unique content to your post, as condo listings are not unique to your blog.

4. Include your desired keywords at least twice in your article. This is just common sense — if an entire page is devoted to a specific topic such as “condos for sale in Queen Anne”, a Search Engine such as Google would expect to see that topic mentioned in the blog post several times just as you would if you were listening to your friend tell you about condos in person.

5. Do some link building with domains and pages your control, making sure to use your keywords in the  anchor text of all of those links. Add a link to your blog’s sidebar with your desired keywords as the anchor text. Go back and edit other specific blog posts you’ve written which pertain to the topic your current blog post addresses (in this case, “condos for sale in Queen Anne”). Add links to your post from a few of your profile pages on sites such as Zillow and Linkedin. If you own multiple domain names, then add links to your post from all of your domains.

6. Promote your blog post. Email a few of your friends who write related blogs and see if you can get them to pick up the story, and of course link to your specific article if they choose to write about it. I wrote a whole post on this topic, so I won’t bore you with the details again.

7. Continually repeat steps 5 and 6. Don’t think that just because you spent a week or two trying to get a post to rank without success means you should give up. Every time you write a post on your blog in the future somewhat related to “condos for sale in Queen Anne”, make sure to link to your Queen Anne condos post. It can take weeks or months, depending on how competitive the keyword is, to get a post to rank highly.

And there you have it – my tips to getting a post to rank well for a desired keyword. Have you had success ranking individual blog posts highly for long tail keywords? If so, what have you done?

9 Comments on “Blog Post SEO – How to Make an Individual Blog Post Rank Highly”

  • geordieromer April 16th, 2010 9:03 am

    Drew- This should be really helpful article for folks starting off in the blogging world.

    A couple of points to highlight.

    Keyword selection is really key. Obviously you could write a whole post about this. Readers should know that tools exist from Google and others to help with keyword selection. I think real estate agents need to focus on specific long tail phrases that will bring them increased business.

    For example, it will be tough to rank well for “Seattle real estate” or “seattle homes for sale” or even “Seattle condos” “mercer island waterfront condos” is more specific, but if there aren't any condos on the water for sale, why bother?

    I picked a local golf course neighborhood that has condos, houses and building lots for sale. The agent who dominated this small part of the market was retiring and no other agents had worked on SEO for the area. 4 years later, we do about 50% of the business in the neighborhood and actually represent the golf course itself as they sell some building lots.

    I'd love to hear tools that others use for getting good inbound links. Active Rain has always been good for real estate. Are folks using tools like Topix and ?

  • Top 10 real estate posts of the day for 4/16/2010 April 16th, 2010 3:04 pm

    […] Blog Post SEO – How to Make an Individual Blog Post Rank Highly – Great advice here, make sure you read it if you are a […]

  • REtechToday - The best in real estate tech for April 16, 2010 — REtechSource April 16th, 2010 5:08 pm

    […] it and getting it out there. Sometimes, it’s enough to make you groan… loudly. Luckily, this informative post walks you through selecting the right keywords, writing the post, and optimizing it to make sure it […]

  • meghankelly April 16th, 2010 2:06 pm

    cool.. I need to re read this!

  • mikemarmion April 16th, 2010 4:11 pm

    Thanks for the great info Jim! Certainly helped me!

  • lynneestrada April 20th, 2010 2:47 pm

    Thank you for this informative article. It gave me some new ideas as well as reinforcing some of the things I have been doing. SEO, like most web endeavors, is definately a moving target!

  • SEOP May 25th, 2010 1:41 am

    Simple but essential tips. Bloggers should always keep these things in mind if they want to write good and effective posts.

  • Bob August 3rd, 2011 3:29 pm

    Excellent article. These tips are basically the same for regular web pages. Are there similar caveats, like limiting the title to 65 characters?

  • Spook SEO May 18th, 2014 10:21 am

    Drew Meyers you share excellent post, peoples write a blog post with specific keyword for getting higher ranking in Google search engine results. For getting the higher PR in search engine have to use the relevant keywords as well as you must have the interesting content.

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