A Couple Smoking Videos Hot Off Production

By Drew Meyers on September 02, 2010

Two of our clients, Tom Ferry and The Partners Trust, have recently released YouTube videos. Virtual Results didn’t produce these, but still wanted to highlight them as examples of great examples of using video effectively as an social media marketing initiative.

Tom Ferry put together a rap video, “It’s My Swagger”, that plays into between selling real estate a few years ago vs selling real estate now after the real estate crash. Since posting it on August 30th, it’s been viewed about 1,000 times.

The Partners Trust put together a Real Estate Comedy about “The Listing Presentation”. Although I’ve never personally sold real estate (but Jim has), I’ve heard stories upon stories of these types of conversations from agents I know all over the country with unrealistic sellers regarding the value of their homes. This has been viewed over 3,300 times since it was uploaded just over a week ago!

It’s proven compelling videos produce views — are you producing viral social media videos yet?

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