Fight On Jackson

By Drew Meyers on May 05, 2011

Today, we’re going to veer away from talking conversion, Facebook, analytics, blogging, SEO, and social media. You know, that geeky stuff we always talk about.

Instead, we’re going to bring you a story that will touch your heart.

Jackson, a 9 year old yet to reach middle school, was recently diagnosed with potentially terminal GBM brain cancer (more info) and is undergoing undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical treatments fighting for his life right now.

Let that sink in for a few moments. What were you doing when you were nine? Probably not undergoing melanoma cancer treatment for recovery. Chances are good you didn’t have a care in the world, and were busy chasing girls around at recess, building tree forts, playing with your doll house, or shooting hoops with your dad.

We became aware of Jackson’s story from Lauren Johns at Your Coach (she’s Jackson’s godmother). And the entire team here at Virtual Results all pitched in to help in a way that we know how – building a website,, for their family to keep their friends and followers abreast on the latest developments in Jackson’s fight.

Here’s a message from Jackson’s mother Lisa:

I sure hoped we could have connected a different way. Perhaps on the playground or at a PTA meeting or on a golf course, or in the aisle of Pavilions, wondering together why the cost of raspberries is so high (and how much our kids love ‘em so we buy them anyway!)

That’s the way we should have met.

I don’t want to start with this, “On February 17th my son’s name “Jackson Reece” and “cancer” were uttered in the same sentence and our world went upside down…” But it’s hard to think of anything else at this moment.
So here goes … first, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my words. It’s a first for me to “blog” … be patient with me friend.

My child has been diagnosed with aggressive, terminal GBM brain cancer. My son, my beautiful, kind, generous, smart, athletic, first born son is in the battle of his life right now.

There, I said it.

To read the full story, CLICK HERE. It’s heartbreaking.

If you want to help support the family, you can find out how to do so on the support page. And if you just want to let Jackson know you are thinking about him, that’s okay too — you can do that on the Shoutout to Jackson page.

Stay strong Jackson. Don’t ever give up!

— The Team at Virtual Results