Flattered to be mentioned in “Life by Design”-Tom Ferrys new book.

By Jim Marks on April 26, 2010

header_left_home_bgJust thought it was a really cool gesture of Tom Ferry to mention me in his new book “Life by Design.” First to acknowlege me at all… I have learned as much as I have taught.

Secondly, to be surrounded in text by THESE NAMES… was simply surreal. I know and respect each one of these individuals as great coaches, motivators and writers… I am truly humbled to be included.

Here is the acknowlegement:

I want to thank all the people who have assisted, coached, and
consulted with me over the last twenty years. Each of you have made
such an indelible impact on my life; the late Jim Rohn, Mike Vance,
Ron Arden, Theresa Jabbour, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jim Marks,
Gary Vaynerchuk, T. Harv Eker, and Mark Victor Hansen. These are
just a few of the inspirational leaders who helped me learn, grow, and
become a better coach.

BTW, the book absolutely rocks, and is timely as all hell.. If this business climate, or life in general has you second guessing yourself, read this book. It is a shot of inspiration.

4 Comments on “Flattered to be mentioned in “Life by Design”-Tom Ferrys new book.”

  • Brian Tercero April 26th, 2010 6:58 pm

    That is a phenomenal list of names to be surrounded by, congratulations Jim!

  • drewmeyers April 27th, 2010 9:54 pm


  • marybaldwin May 17th, 2010 7:14 pm

    Congrats! Can't wait to read it!

  • mauirealestatesearch August 27th, 2010 9:42 pm

    Wow, that's quite a list of established industry leaders. Kudos.

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