VR Website Guide-Welcome to Your Virtual Results Websites-that-Work

A well researched, well designed Real Estate Website is a great Marketing tool and can reap great rewards.  Virtual Results websites that work are great Marketing Tools and like ALL tools, they are as good as the person using them.  If you invest the time to understand the key elements of your new website, and how to use and promote them, they will pay dividends.

Virtual Results Websites that Work are divided into a key few key elements;  1) The Website itself, 2) The Diverse Solutions Mapping IDX and the Altos Research Market Information Reports.

The Virtual Results Website, itself.

Virtual Results websites are built on the WordPress blogging platform.  WordPress is a robust architecture that we have loaded with special features.  There are MANY things your website can do, but there are THREE that are critical.

  1. You must be able to login to the site
  2. You must be able to create, edit and publish a blog post..

So lets get to it…  Shall we?

Step One: Log into Your Virtual Results Website…