Saying Goodbye to Your Old Home
2022 is coming to a close and this week we’re saying goodbye to a year that has certainly had its ups and downs. Some of you may also be saying goodbye to your old home at this time of year, too. While moving to a new home can be an exciting time, it can also be tough to leave a place where you’ve made many lasting memories. That’s why we recommend having a meaningful send-off for the place that has meant so much to you. Here are several ideas for saying goodbye to your old home and honoring the life that you lived there.
Have a “house cooling” party
You’ve certainly heard of housewarming parties and may have even thrown one when you first moved into your home. As a way to say goodbye to your home, we recommend hosting a house cooling party as well. This is an excellent way to empty your fridge and pantry. Invite your guests to share a favorite memory of something that happened in the house. You can even have a designated spot to put all the things you’re planning to donate. Have your guests look through the items to see if there’s anything they’d like to have.
Write a letter to the new owner
Another way that you can say goodbye to your home is to share some of your favorite things about it with the new owner. Write them a letter and leave it in the house for the new owners to find. Tell them about your favorite memories in the house and share with them information about the house, the neighbors, and the community. Tell them your favorite places to shop and eat and quirks about the house you discovered over the years. You can even let each family member write their own parts. Even America’s First Families do this!
Take something with you
Having something to take with you from your old home can help to ease the transition into your new place. Keep in mind that some things you cannot remove when you’re selling your home, such as custom window treatments or anything that’s permanently attached. Perhaps there is an extra brick from the walkway you can take to remember your old home by. You can also take cuttings from your favorite plants and bushes that you can later propagate and plant in your new home.
Have a candlelit farewell
On the night before moving day, take some time out to have a final candlelit farewell to your home. This is a thoughtful way to give thanks to some of your favorite places in your home. Light some candles and go room by room, sharing your most cherished memories of each space. Let everyone have their say and don’t rush. On moving day, do one last sweep through the house to say goodbye. Then, once you’re in the car on the way to your new home, share what you’re looking forward to in your new place. Saying goodbye is certainly sad, but it’s important to remember that you also have many new and wonderful memories to make in the years ahead.
Compliments of Virtual Results