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Downsizing? Here’s How


Downsizing? Here’s HowWhether it’s because your kids have left for college or you’re preparing for retirement, many homeowners choose to downsize at some point in their lives. Making the move from a large home to a smaller one can be both liberating and challenging. If you’re getting ready to downsize, here’s what you should know to make the process as easy as possible.

The benefits of downsizing

If you’re having trouble coming to terms with the idea of having a smaller footprint, it can be beneficial to remind yourself of why you’re downsizing in the first place. Do you have a room or rooms in your current home you never use? Are you looking for a way to lower your monthly expenditures? Do you want to live in a home where outside maintenance is taken care of for you? Downsizing can provide solutions to all these issues and allow you to make choices that fit the lifestyle you have now, not the one you had when you first moved in.

Determine your needs

OK, so you’ve decided it’s time to downsize. Now what? The first step you should take is to decide what you’re looking for in a new place. How many bedrooms do you really need? Would you like a home with no stairs? Are you looking for apartments that are close to amenities such as shopping, the gym, or restaurants? Take time to determine exactly what your needs are before you begin your search.

Assess your new space

Once you’ve zeroed in on your new home, measure each room and note how much storage is available. Be honest about how much space you actually have. There’s no sense in downsizing if you plan to keep all your possessions, so you’ll want to be clear on how much you’ll need to let go of so that you have enough room in your new space.

Decide what to keep

Here comes the hard part – deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. A good way to tackle this issue is to think about what you’d want to replace if you were to lose everything. Do you have exercise equipment gathering dust? Are you holding on to your kid’s items that they’ll never retrieve? Consider letting go of any items you haven’t used in the last year. If you’re in doubt, rent a storage unit for six months and store the items you’re uncertain about. Whatever items remain after that time elapses, you can let go of.

Sell or donate the rest

Once you’ve eliminated the items you don’t intend to take with you to the new house, you can sell or donate them. There are several ways to sell your belongings, from hosting a garage sale to posting items online on sites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or eBay. For items you can’t or don’t want to sell, you can donate them to friends and family, or give them to charities such as Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Many organizations will even pick up your items for you if you arrange it with them in advance.

Organize as you move in

As you move into your new home, take time to organize as you go. That way, once you’re moved in, you can spend time on all those activities you only dreamed about when you lived in a larger home.

Although downsizing can be challenging, when you approach it with a healthy attitude it can be a truly exciting experience. Follow the guidelines above to make sure your move into a smaller space is just another turn in the road on the adventure of your life.

Compliments of Virtual Results

What to Expect on Closing Day


What to Expect on Closing Day

You searched for and found a house. You put in an offer that was accepted. You applied for a mortgage, got a home inspection and completed what seemed like a thousand other tasks, all in preparation for closing day.

If you’re a first-time homebuyer, you may be wondering just what happens on this all-important day besides signing some papers and getting the keys to your new house. So that you’ll feel relaxed and prepared, here’s what to expect on the day you finalize your home purchase.

When does the closing take place?

Generally speaking, avoid closing on the last day of the month, as this doesn’t allow enough time to address any issues that may come up. If a problem arises and the closing is delayed until the beginning of the next month, you’ll face increased costs because of prepaid interest that accumulates. Ideally, a closing should take place sometime between the 20th and the 25th of the month. You should plan to take off for at least half a day to give yourself ample time to complete the closing process.

Where does the closing happen?

There are several places where the closing can take place. These include your lender’s office, the title company office, the listing or buying agent’s office, a real estate attorney’s office or another agreed-upon location. Make sure to get the exact address and allow plenty of time to arrive.

Who attends the closing?

The people present at a closing will vary depending on where you live, but you can expect some or all of the following (including you, the buyer, of course):

  • Both the listing and the buying agent
  • The seller or the seller’s representative
  • Representative from the title company
  • Representative from the lender or mortgage company
  • Attorneys for the buyer and seller
  • Closing agent

The closing agent will be the one leading the proceedings and will have all the necessary paperwork that needs to be signed.

What documents are signed?

On closing day you will sign all the documents that transfer ownership to you as well as documents related to your mortgage. When applying for a mortgage, you should come prepared. Many of these documents you will receive in advance so that you may review them before signing. Documents you’ll receive and sign on closing day may include:

  • Tax forms
  • Title forms
  • Deed of trust
  • Affidavits
  • Promissory note
  • Variety of disclosure forms

Do I need to bring anything?

On closing day the buyer will be responsible for showing proof of homeowner’s insurance and inspections. You’ll also need to bring a certified or cashier’s check that covers all the closing costs (sometimes done as a wire transfer). You should also bring copies of all the documents you received throughout the buying process, including inspection reports and your copy of the contract. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your government-issued identification.

Can anything go wrong?

There are a few issues that can possibly derail your closing. This would include not having enough money at closing, your financial situation drastically changing (such as opening a new line of credit), the lender pulling out or the seller not taking care of tax liens.

By knowing what to expect on closing day, you can help ensure that the meeting goes off without a hitch. If all goes well, at the end of the day you’ll finally have the keys to your new house in hand. Congratulations!

Compliments of Virtual Results

Keep Your Home Show Ready – Even With Kids!


Keep Your Home Show Ready – Even With Kids!When you’re selling your home, keeping it spotless for showings can be tough. But making sure it stays clean, especially when you have kids, can seem downright impossible. But there is hope! By having a plan and sticking to it, you can keep your home ready for visits, even at a moment’s notice. Here’s how.

Have a checklist

Trying to live in your home while you’re selling it can be a little chaotic. Tame that chaos by knowing exactly what to do before a buyer comes over. Create a simple checklist of tasks you need to do each time you have a showing. Ideally, these tasks should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Knowing what to do will save you the headache of frantically running around at the last minute, trying to remember everything.

Start clean

You never know when you’ll get a call at 9 a.m. with a new showing for 9:30. Treat yourself to a less stressful morning by making sure the house is clean before you go to bed. That way, if you have to leave even before you’ve had your coffee, you know the house is ready and looking its best.

Pack up toys

Kids and toys – LOTS of toys – go hand in hand. It’s unbelievable how quickly those toys can get out of control. And the truth is your kids probably don’t play with all of them all the time. Save their favorites and pack up or donate the rest.  Keep the unused toys out of sight, either in bins under the bed or offsite at a storage unit.

Have more picnics

Little kids make messes. It’s just what they do. Keep your kitchen and dining room clean and ready to show by eating outside whenever possible. Set up a picnic area and treat it like a special occasion. Chances are, you’re kids will love it, and it will save you precious cleaning time.

Create a stash zone

Make designated areas in your home where you can quickly stash things like toys and dirty laundry before a showing. The best places are the ones least likely for buyers to look, like bins stored in a closet or empty dresser drawers.

Only use one bathroom

Bathrooms are probably the most difficult rooms to keep consistently clean. If you have more than one bathroom in your home, choose one bathroom that everyone in the family will use. This will cut down significantly on the amount of time you spend cleaning them.

Know where to go

Finally, have a list of places you know you can go to when you need to quickly leave the house. Some great choices include a local museum or park, story time at the library, grandma’s house or even just a nice long walk around the neighborhood. If you choose activities that are fun, you’ll get less resistance from the kids when it’s time to go.

Although selling a home while you and your family are living in it can be a challenge, it is not an impossible one. By preparing ahead of time and adhering to some timesaving tricks, you’ll make sure your kids are happy and your home is always ready to show.

Compliments of Virtual Results

How to Survive Your Home Sale


How to Survive Your Home SaleLet’s be honest – living in your home while you have it on the market can be tough. Not only do you need to keep it spic and span at all times, but you also have to be ready to show it on a moment’s notice. This can cause quite an upheaval in your daily life if you aren’t prepared. Although it can be stressful, it can be done. Here’s our best advice for how to survive your home sale.

Pack it up

Once your home is on the market, you may start to feel as if you’re on a speeding train and you can’t quite keep up. Do yourself a favor and get a head start on cleaning, de-cluttering and packing up your belongings. Since spring is on the way, it’s unlikely you’ll need heavy-duty winter gear for much longer, so pack it up and move it out. Consider investing in a short-term storage unit to store packed boxes and unneeded items until moving day.

Remove all personal items

Think about it – strangers will soon be looking in every drawer, cabinet and closet in your home while you aren’t there. Don’t make it easy for someone to steal personal information by leaving it out. Protect valuables like sensitive financial documents or precious jewelry or even certificates like a coin collection appraisal by locking them in a safe. Password-protect all computers. Remove prescription medication from the medicine cabinet. When in doubt, keep it under lock and key.

Get into a daily routine

If you’re living in your home while you’re selling, the best thing you can do for your well-being is to get into a daily routine. That way, if your agent calls with a last-minute showing, you won’t be scrambling to be ready. In the morning, make the beds and pick up any clutter in the house. Clean the kitchen and empty the kitchen sink. Tidy the bathroom and vacuum the floors. When the phone rings, you’ll be ready to leave at a moment’s notice if necessary.

Have a plan for showings

Talk to your agent about how showings will be handled, and be upfront with any requests you have. This could include scheduling showings during certain times of the day, or giving you at least an hour’s notice before potential buyers come by. Make a plan for what you’ll need to do to the house before you leave for the showing. This might mean turning on basement lights, opening curtains and taking a quick walk through your home to make sure it all looks good. If you have pets, have a plan with what you’ll do with them during the showing.

Take time outs

If managing showings while living in your home is stressing you out, be sure to take time outs for yourself. Go out for dinner. See a movie. Take a walk. Treat yourself to a massage. Selling a home can be very stressful, and it’s normal to feel anxious about it. Take care of yourself during the process. Your health is important, too.

Hire a professional

The best thing you can do to survive your home sale is to enlist the help of a professional real estate agent. An agent can be an indispensible ally and a powerful advocate for you during the process of selling your home. They can tell you what to expect and help you navigate through each step of the journey. And working with an agent will help ensure that you sell your home quickly for the best possible price.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Etiquette of Installing a Privacy Fence


Etiquette of Installing a Privacy FenceDo good fences make good neighbors? You can visit website here for some experienced fence contractors that can provide prompt and professional help for all fence installations need! They can, as long as you follow the proper etiquette when installing a privacy fence. If you’ve just purchased a home and considering several Residential Privacy Fence Options for your yard, follow this advice to stay on good terms with your new neighbors.

Determine the property line

Don’t assume you know where your property line is. Get clear on the exact dividing line between your property and your neighbor’s by having it surveyed. If a survey was not completed when you purchased your home, pay to have one done. They typically cost $500 – $2,000, depending on your area.

Follow town and HOA guidelines

Once you’ve chosen from local fence contractors and determined your property lines, it’s now time to investigate your community’s guidelines. Find out what zoning regulations are in your area, including how tall your fence can be and the materials that can be used. In general, fences can be no taller than six feet in a backyard and four feet in the front. There may be additional regulations regarding corner lots, so be sure to find out if this applies to you. If you belong to a Homeowner’s Association (HOA), find out what the HOA guidelines are. This can save you hard feelings and a costly dispute down the line.

Meet with your neighbors

Once you’ve determined where and what you would like to build, talk to each of your affected neighbors about it before you begin digging. This is especially true if your fence is going to encroach on a neighbor’s view. Sharing your plan to build a fence gives them an opportunity to discuss any potential issues that could cause trouble – or a lawsuit – down the line. You may even discover that your neighbor was considering a fence and might be willing to split the cost of fencing supplies in Essex with you.

Know which side should face out

If you are installing a privacy fence, they typically have a “finished” side. This is the side that is smooth where the posts and rails do not show. It is common courtesy to face this finished side toward your neighbors and the street; your fence builders can explain this further. Not only is this the polite thing to do, it also gives the outside of your home a more finished appearance. A fencing Townsville company takes care of some of the most complex terrains around Queensland, Australia. Having a tall fence is not the only way to make use of your comfort.

Keep the fence maintained

Once you’ve installed the fence, it is crucial that you keep it repaired and maintained if you want to stay friendly with your neighbors. This includes repairing damage, painting as needed and keeping up with mowing and weeding around the fence line. If you don’t, that tired-looking fence could not only affect your property values when it comes time to sell, it could also affect your neighbor’s property values.

If you decide that installing a privacy fence is important – whether it’s to give your dog free reign of the yard or to create a quiet sanctuary garden for yourself – practice good etiquette. You may speak with professional fence builders about this. By communicating with your neighbors before the installation and keeping your fence maintained, you’ll be much more likely to stay on good terms with the people in your neighborhood.

Pros and Cons of Buying a Fully Furnished Home


Pros and Cons of Buying a Fully Furnished Home

Are you a first time homebuyer nervous about adding the cost of furniture to your big move? Or perhaps you’re thinking of buying a vacation home, but don’t want the added expense of furnishing it? Maybe you’re a busy professional who needs to streamline the purchase process so that you can jump right into your new job? Whatever the case may be, buying a home that comes fully furnished, like these Furnished Apartments in Kilimani, may be just what you need. The Idea Room Furniture Store will help you create your own style in your home. You can visit their showroom to get tips on what furniture you are going to buy.

If you’re thinking about buying a fully furnished home, here are the pros and cons you should take into consideration when making your decision.

Pros of buying a fully furnished home

Buying a furnished home:

  • Can save you money, sometimes thousands of dollars, instead of buying brand new furniture.
  • Is a great choice for first time buyers who may not have all they furniture they will need for the house.
  • Is perfect for those buying a second home or vacation home and want a property that is move-in ready at closing.
  • Is ideal for those who don’t like shopping for furniture.
  • Can be smart for those who are short on time, such as people who have demanding jobs or families with young children.
  • Can make moving in easier and faster, which is perfect for those who need to relocate quickly.
  • Can save you the headache of packing up and moving all your belongings to a new location. Just pack up some suitcases with your clothes and personal belongings, and move right in! Speaking of suitcases, read Coolife Luggage Reviews to find out the benefits of using the right luggage type.

Cons of buying a fully furnished home

Purchasing a home that comes with furniture:

  • Means there are more details to attend to in the closing process. You will need to complete an exhaustive list of every item included in the deal, which will be part of the contract.
  • Means you may need to get a separate loan for the furnishings.
  • Might not be a great choice if you have very specific taste in furniture. You’ll want to make sure that the furnishings that are included in the house are to your liking.
  • Can be a gamble, as you don’t know the history of the furniture. You will want to take the time to inspect every piece that comes with the house. Turn on all the lamps, look at all the couch cushions and make sure all the appliances are in good working order.
  • May mean that you overpay for the furnishings you’re getting, if the seller is particularly emotionally attached to them.
  • Could kill the deal if the buyer and seller cannot come to an agreement on what furnishings are included and what the selling price of those furnishings should be.
  • Means that you will need to put down a larger down payment, since the total cost of the home will include the price of the furniture.

Ultimately, the decision to buy a home that is fully furnished is a personal one. You will want to determine if the amount of money you will pay for the furnishings will actually save you time and money when you move in. Take time to fully assess what you are agreeing to so you know whether you are getting a good deal. If the deal looks good and you like the idea of owning a turnkey home, it could be the perfect solution for you.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Curb Appeal on a Budget


Curb Appeal on a BudgetSpring is just around the corner. If you’re getting ready to put your house on the market, that means it’s time to add a little pizzazz to the exterior. First impressions count in real estate, and making your home look inviting on the outside will coax more buyers through your front door. Since spring is one of best times to make your home look stunning, we thought we’d share our tips on how to spruce up your curb appeal without emptying your wallet. And the bonus is that these projects will only take a weekend to complete. If your home’s siding has seen better days, seeking siding repair services can help spruce up your home’s exterior and curb appeal.

Clean up the yard

Your yard probably took a beating over the winter. With the weather warming up you have no excuse to skip what is arguably the most important part of curb appeal – a tidy yard. The best part – you can do this without spending a dime. Mow the lawn if needed and collect any fallen leaves and debris. Trim trees and bushes and weed flowerbeds. If you have a driveway with holes and cracks, be sure to have it repaired with the help of an asphalt paving company. Then, a commercial sealcoating service is advised to protect your driveway from being easily damaged again.

Paint the front door

Another easy and inexpensive idea to brighten up your home’s exterior is to give your front door a fresh coat of paint. For about $30 and one afternoon, your front porch can go from bland to beautiful. Choose a bold color that complements the exterior colors to create a strong focal point that will draw the eye (and the buyers) in.

If you are planning to have a new Screened Porch Installation, it is best to consult an expert to know your options.

Update your house numbers

When was the last time you got new numbers for your house? If you can’t think back that far, then now is a great time to invest in some new ones – especially if their style is a little dated. You can purchase single numbers at home improvement stores for as little as a few dollars each, or splurge and buy a custom-designed plaque that matches the exterior of your home for under $100.

Replace the mailbox

If your mailbox is cracked, broken or faded from being in the sun, why not replace it with a new model? This is another great way to add some personality to your front yard without spending too much money. Choose a mailbox that coordinates with your front door and your home’s exterior. Check out these mailboxes, some of which can be purchased for less than $20.

Upgrade the porch light

A porch light that’s been hanging around for a few decades can really date your home. For as little as $30 you can switch out your old and dirty light for something new, clean and more modern. Again, choose a style that matches your home’s exterior, especially if you’re also replacing your mailbox and house numbers.

Add a National flag

The flag of the United States of America is a bold symbol of freedom and represents a strong sense of national pride. Many U.S. citizens feel so passionately about what the flag represents that they choose to display one at their home. Did you know there are customs when flying Old Glory? American flag etiquette is taken seriously as Atlantic Flag and Pole reports, because this emblem deserves honor and respect. Here are the guidelines for displaying the flag at your home.

Add annual color

Want to add an instant pop of color to your front yard that doesn’t require much work or money? Then you want annuals. Annual flowers like petunias and impatiens only last for one season and are planted when they are already in bloom. For under $100, you can pop some into your garden beds or add some decorative pots to your front porch filled with flowers for a cheerful boost that practically begs people to stop and admire them.

Compliments of Virtual Results

What Are Home Sellers Required to Disclose?


What Are Home Sellers Required to Disclose?Are you gearing up to sell your home? Then you should know that there are certain things you are legally required to disclose to potential buyers. If you don’t, you could find yourself in legal or financial hot water. While disclosure regulations vary by state, here are some main issues you are required to tell buyers.

Lead paint

The most important disclosure you need to make – and one that is a federal law — is whether or not your home may contain lead paint. How do you know if your home has lead paint? If it was constructed before 1978, you need to have it checked by a professional and both buyer and seller must sign a disclosure. Agents are also required to provide a pamphlet from the EPA about how to deal with lead-based paint. If your home was built after 1978, you’re in the clear.

Crime or death

In some locations, sellers are required to disclose whether or not a crime or death has happened on the property. If you’re a buyer, you can even check the address for yourself at this website for a fee.

Paranormal activity

Whether or not ghosts are real is up for debate. Nevertheless, some states do require that sellers disclose any paranormal activity in the home. If you think your house is haunted, you should disclose it. Even if you think it sounds silly.


According to companies like 24h Pest Pros, most states require that sellers disclose if there are any infestations or problems with pests in the home. This can include mice, bats, raccoons and snakes. If rodent treatment or mice control treatment was done in your home, this is also something you should be sure to tell a potential buyer. Those who live in a community with a homeowners’ association, you may look for HOA pest control professionals that can work in your community to help prevent pest infestations.

Water damage

If you have a basement that floods or a roof that leaks, it is important that you make these issues known. If you’re dealing with water damage, it’s important to seek the help of professionals as soon as possible. Water damage can cause a lot of damage to your home, and it can be difficult to clean up on your own. The professionals will have the tools and knowledge necessary to get your home back to normal as quickly as possible. Make sure to provide copies of insurance claims or receipts if water damage is an issue you’ve addressed in the past. Experts from Roof Masters company suggest that you need to check your roofing system for any repairs so you can call your trusted roofer immediately to fix the issue.

Toxic materials

If water has entered your home, it could lead to mold – which is another issue you need to disclose. While most homes contain mold of some kind, it is black mold that can be toxic and needs to be disclosed. This includes whether or not you’ve done mold remediation in the past. Other types of toxic materials that need to be disclosed are radon in basements and asbestos in insulation.

Disputes with neighbors

Is part of your fence on the neighbor’s property, or is their fence on yours? Have you had any disputes with neighbors over property lines? These issues should be disclosed. In addition, while it may not be required, you may want to be upfront if there are any other issues with the neighbors. This could include if they have frequent loud parties late into the night or a particularly aggressive and loud dog.

Check state regulations

Your real estate agent should be well versed in what disclosures need to be made in your state. You can also check for yourself to make sure all your bases are covered. When in doubt, honesty is generally the best policy. By disclosing all known major issues upfront, you are protecting yourself from possible litigation in the future.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Buying Solo? What You Should Know


Buying Solo? What You Should Know

The number of people buying a home on their own is on the rise. Are you one of them? While it may seem daunting to purchase a property solo, it is certainly far from impossible. In fact, it could be a smart financial move if you have a steady income and plan to stay in your location for the foreseeable future.

If you’re ready to be a single homeowner, here’s what you should know to make the process as easy as possible.

Be clear about what you want

When searching for a home, you’ll be bombarded with choices. How many bedrooms do you need? Would you like a home office? Do you need a place to park your car? Would you like to be close to amenities, nightlife or public transportation? There are many questions to consider, so it can be especially helpful to make a list of everything you need in a home. Once you’ve gotten the basics covered, spend some time creating a wish list of things it would be nice to have, but wouldn’t be deal-breakers. This could include having a Jacuzzi tub or walk-in closets. Once you’ve gotten your lists together, you’ll be better able to refine your search and only look at homes that are a good match for you.

Buy what you can afford

Once you begin your home search in earnest, it’s important to stay within your budget. It can be tempting to reach a little further beyond your means, especially for a home that you love. But that love can sour quickly when you find you’re unable to pay your mortgage each month. Use an online calculator to determine just how much you can reasonably afford.

Consider safety and security

While we don’t think making choices based on fear is always a great idea, it is good to consider how safe and secure your new home will be. Since you won’t always be around to check on your house, look for neighborhoods that have low crime rates. Take note of whether or not the house has a security system or the street is well lit. If safety is a big concern, consider buying a condo so that your neighbors are always close by. The Reserve Residences Condo is the new development project by Far East Organization in Upper Bukit Timah Near the Bukit Timah Reserve.

Think about the future

You never know what life is going to throw at you, so it’s smart to think about your home’s resale value. Maybe you’ll relocate for a job or move in with a spouse and need to sell your home. If your new place is in a great school district, near popular amenities or has a stunning view, you’ll have an easier time selling down the road.

Work with an agent

Buying a home can be a little overwhelming, but working with a professional can help alleviate some of the stress. By partnering with an agent, you’ll have a person who can answer questions and guide you through the process. You’ll also have someone in your corner who will work with you to find a home that suits your needs. Don’t let the fear of navigating the process alone keep you from realizing your dream of owning a home. You can do it!

Compliments of Virtual Results

How to Sell Your House When You Work From Home


How to Sell Your House When You Work From Home

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one quarter of employed Americans work from home. Innovations in technology coupled with a changing economy have made it easier than ever to do your job from the comfort of your own home. And while working from home is often more convenient for most people, it can be somewhat of a challenge when it comes time to sell your home. If you are a telecommuter getting ready to put your home on the market, here are our best tips for navigating the process.

Set up parameters for showing times

One of the realities of selling your home is that ideally it should be ready for appointments at a moment’s notice. This may not always be possible if you work from home. Be clear with your real estate agent from the beginning about any restrictions you may need to place on showings and open houses. Request that you be given at least 30 minutes notice before a prospective buyer shows up, or ask that your home only be shown at certain times of the day. This gives you time to plan in case you need to vacate while you’re working. While your agent may not be able to accommodate you every time, you will be inconvenienced less frequently.

Make adjustments to your workload or workspace

If you are interrupted while you are working, have a contingency plan in place. Do you have any work that can be completed in advance? If so, try to use your free time to get ahead on work. This way, if you have to step away for an hour or two during the day you won’t be missing any deadlines. Does your work require that you be at home? If not, find a local coffee shop or library with Wi-Fi so that you can relocate easily during the day when needed. If those kinds of public spaces have too many distractions, considering temporarily renting a spot in a co-working space.

Keep your workspace tidy

This should go without saying, but when you’re showing your home, it needs to be spotless. This goes for your workspace too – which may be tough for those of you who thrive with a messy desk. Every morning before you begin work, and every evening at the end of the workday, take a few minutes to clean. Organize papers, tidy your desk, wipe down surfaces, clear away dishes and cups from lunch and sweep or vacuum the floor. Although you are actively working in the space, it needs to have the appearance of being neutral. Remember, you want potential buyers to be able to imagine themselves in your home. Don’t make it harder for them by leaving evidence of your workday behind you.

Take time off

While it may not always be possible, if you have some flexibility in your work schedule, why not take some time off? This gives you the time and space you need to focus on getting your home sold quickly, and it will save your work from constant interruptions. After all, isn’t flexibility with scheduling one of the greatest perks of working from home? Use it to your advantage during what can be a hectic time.

Compliments of Virtual Results