dsSearchAgent Mobile is Now Available on the Predesigned Websites that Work Platform

By on July 13, 2011

In case you missed it, Diverse Solutions’ dsSearchAgent Mobile came out of BETA on Friday. You can head over to the brand new Diverse Solutions website and see the features and even demo a test version of the product. If you are a client of ours on our predesigned platform and you already have dsSearchAgent as part of your monthly package, you now have dsSearchAgentMobile integrated so that your mobile viewers will be redirected to the alternative interface (if I somehow missed your site, shoot me an email). For those wondering how it works, check out AtSanMarcosHomes.com or RiverNorthCondo.com on your mobile device.

And if you’re not already a client of ours and would like a website that works with dsSearchAgent Mobile built in (you’ll need our premium package to get dsSearchAgent Mobile), let us know.

One Comment on “dsSearchAgent Mobile is Now Available on the Predesigned Websites that Work Platform”

  • Ricardo Bueno July 13th, 2011 10:04 pm

    Hey Drew, 

    Thanks for the write-up and happy to see your clients already implementing mobile! 

    While I’m here, I wanted to point out an additional resource. Naturally, some folks are going to have questions (whether you’re a user or prospective user)… So we set up a section in our Community Forum for you all to ask questions, share ideas, etc. 

    Membership is free of course and you can access the thread here: 

    Other than that, hope you like it!


    Ricardo Bueno
    Diverse Solutions

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