By Drew Meyers on June 30, 2011


Description: is managed by Don Reedy, an agent with Real Living Lifestyles who covers Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista and Fallbrook.

Testimonial: What do you get when you introduce a great idea to a very good real estate agent? The answer depends, of course, on whether the real estate agent is wise enough to put the great idea to work in his or her practice. That’s what happened to me recently when after years of blogging and internet experience I found myself pretty darn happy with myself, and not so very pleased with the results I was obtaining. Results, by the way, means how many clients actually give me good contact information, want to be informed by the data I’m providing, and love the speed and accuracy of the information I’m giving them. Results equal ROI….the most important reason to invest either time or money in a way of doing business.

The people at Virtual Results are a no nonsense group of experts aptly named because at the core of their business is the idea that SEO, blogging, social media and technology bells and whistles aren’t worth much if they aren’t producing results…real quantifiable results. And so when I decided to switch my marketing over to Virtual Results I committed myself to swallowing my ego and switching to a system that had my bottom line as its top priority.

And the results aren’t really “virtual.” They’re real. Not only are people finding me, reading me, and being informed by me, but most importantly my Virtual Results site gives them what they’re looking for. A well reasoned SEO approach provides my potential clients with every reason to stay on my site, linger a bit longer to educate themselves, and ultimately to register and put their trust in my experience and expertise. Like they say on the Golf Channel….”these guys are good.”

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