VR Sales Q&A (Predesigned and Custom): Traffic Acquisition

By Drew Meyers on February 01, 2011

Our next edition of VR Sales Q&A is the question of traffic acquisition. In other words, once a website is setup, how do you get traffic to it? Even if you have the best converting website on the planet, you still need traffic to convert to leads and clients. When speaking to agents, I generally tell them traffic acquisition breaks down into three primary areas:

1) Organic SEO traffic – The best approach to attracting organic SEO traffic is to pump out lots and lots (and lots) of unique content over an extended period of time, and do a good job of cross linking internally between blog posts and landing pages. And simultaneously build a number of backlinks to your domain. Great content will naturally attract links from other bloggers, but networking with other bloggers is a great way to build links over the long run. This is a long term strategy; if you stick with this strategy for an extended period of time, it will pay off — but do not expect to start blogging tomorrow and generating significant traffic (and leads) in the first few months. You can pay for SEO Perth services if you want to speed up the process.

2) Paid traffic (via Google Adwords or other methods) – If you have a website that converts traffic to leads at a high enough percentage, you can make a living from paid traffic. There are numerous sources of paid traffic, the most common being Google Adwords campaigns.

3) Market your site offline – bring your existing offline sphere online to your website, and engage them with market reports, home search, and community news and information. Put your URL on your business cards, letterhead, your email signature, and everywhere else!

Questions? Leave them in the comments!

2 Comments on “VR Sales Q&A (Predesigned and Custom): Traffic Acquisition”

  • Clarifying My View on the Content Problem | | GeekEstate BlogGeekEstate Blog May 6th, 2011 6:33 am

    […] I think we all understand that in order to get leads and clients from your web efforts, you have to attract traffic to your site. As I’ve said before, the best converting websites on the planet are useless without traffic. No traffic = no conversion. In my mind, content creation is one of three primary ways to bring traffic to your site. […]

  • The Silver Bullet of Blogging?? | | GeekEstate BlogGeekEstate Blog July 1st, 2011 11:37 am

    […] and produce leads for them without any effort. Unfortunately, the web doesn’t work that way; driving traffic is hard work — and it requires your time or your money. If you’re not willing to spend either, then […]

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