Over the next few posts I will endevour to bring you some ideas on the VALUE of tracking website analytics that rise well above simply receiving leads… Now, Receiving leads, or convincing visitors to self identify is first and foremost. But how about just getting better…
How did you get better at your listing presentation… Feedback. Each time you gave a listing presentation your prospect showed you comments and body language that properly read coached you to add or omit parts of the presentation… and you got better!
Analytics is the Body Language of the web…
Analytics works for your website just as prospect feedback is used for presentation.. As you watch the trends of your visitors and see what they are doing, where they are going, and what they like and dont like… you change your web to match their likes… their body language.. and your site gets better…
The changes you make in your listing presentation AND your website create the same results… better conversion…
So, how do you improve your website without the feedback or BL of the web (analytics)… you simply don’t.