Don’t Neglect These Summer Maintenance Tasks

By on July 05, 2021

Don’t Neglect These Summer Maintenance TasksWe know that now is the perfect time to lounge next to the pool. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you about those summer maintenance tasks that you should do for your home as well. By completing regular maintenance on your home, you’ll help to ensure fewer costly repairs down the line. While we don’t want to pull you away from your hammock, it is important for you to do these chores to keep your house in great shape.

Check your air conditioner

Chances are your air conditioner is running full tilt right now. But there’s nothing worse than having your air conditioner break down in the middle of a heat wave, and before you know it, you’ll be in need of a complete air conditioning replacement. If you haven’t already, then check your air conditioner to make sure it is working correctly. Switch out filters, clean the condenser unit, and drain the pan under the condenser. Those that aren’t handy can hire a professional to complete an AC tune-up and call for ac maintenance in Oro Valley, AZ or nearby areas. It will help catch minor problems before they turn into major repairs. Visit sites like for additional guidance.

Keep an eye on your roof and gutters

Summer brings storms which can give your roof and gutters a beating. Keep an eye on your flat roof and gutters before and after a storm. Make sure gutters are clear of debris so they can drain water away from your roof. This is another task you can do yourself or hire a professional, which may be necessary if your gutters are hard to reach. If your roofing system is already worn, know the cost of a new roof before hiring professional roof repair service to do the job.

Clean your home’s exterior

With all the time you’re spending outside, you should set aside an afternoon to clean your home’s exterior. Now is the perfect time to power wash your patio, deck, sidewalks, driveway, porch, and siding. You can rent a power washer for the day if you don’t already own one (or borrow one from your neighbor). Just be sure to follow all safety precautions including what materials can be pressure-washed and what can’t.

Maintain landscaping

Summer is when everything grows and your plants, trees, and bushes can quickly become overgrown. Not only can this be an eyesore, but it can also be dangerous. Trim limbs from trees or shrubs that are hanging over your home. Check for dead or dying trees and hire a professional to have them removed. Dead trees can pose a significant threat during a storm because they can easily be knocked over by strong winds.

Turn off your humidifier

Did you remember to turn off your humidifier this summer? Most new HVAC systems have built-in humidifiers to keep the indoor air comfortable. But in the summer months, it can make your AC work harder. This can cause wear and tear on your system and lead to higher energy bills. Turn the humidifier off or switch it over to summer mode. If humidity is still high in your home, consider using a dehumidifier. Find the best hvac service company available in Winter Park to help you fix any damages.

Inspect your swimming pool

Finally, if you’re lucky enough to have a swimming pool at home, then make sure it’s safe to use. Have it inspected for leaks and make sure the heater and pumps are working properly. Check the water chemistry every day and clean it regularly.

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