Pamper Your Home with More Spring Cleaning Tips

By Virtual Results on May 04, 2014

Spring Cleaning TipsWe all love a good pampering. Your home is no different. A little spring sprucing gives you house that extra special attention it needs. Whether you start on the inside or the outside, give your home some special treatment and it will reward you with more comfort, extra space and a bright, clean environment. We provide complete estate cleanout services in hamilton and surrounding area.

Post Winter Clean Up

During inclement weather, dirt and grime builds up in corners and crevices. Attack tight spaces between fences and garden sheds or around foundations with a strong stream of water to dislodge debris. Rake decaying leaves and foliage from around your foundation. Clean out your gutters (or call a gutter service), because clogged gutters during a heavy rain puts your roof at risk of water damage.  If your roofing and gutters have been severely damaged, you may need a roof repair service as well as a new Seamless Copper Gutter Installation. In addition, this is the perfect time to have your roof inspected too. You may click here for more roofing contractors for you to choose from.

Stow Your Winter Equipment

If you have cold-weather equipment, now is the time to clean and service it, check for rust, salt or de-icing residue and store it away for next year. In fact, storing away your fall and winter paraphernalia gives you more space to set up a garden bench, composting bin or patio furniture. Remember to schedule the reverse in the fall: clean and stow your summertime equipment in preparation for winter. Pull out your gardening tools and make any repairs needed.

Take a moment to go through the contents in your car. Switch out anti-freeze for bug cleaner and stow your winter emergency gear. Change out that ice-scraper for a sun shield, and replace your wiper blades. Add a summer survival kit (water, sunscreen, insect repellent, towel) to your trunk.

Clean the Outside

Whether you have vinyl siding, brick or stucco, soot, grime, mold and mildew builds up. If your siding is vinyl and you can reach, a Bob Vila recommends using a soft cloth or brush and a mixture of 70% water with 30% white vinegar or, alternatively, a mixture of an oxygen-based bleach with powdered household cleaner. Other general cleaners, especially if they are biodegradable, will work well too, but avoid harsh cleaners or abrasive scrubbers. If you use a pressure washer, make sure to follow the advice of Siding Installation Baltimore company.
To clean stucco, stone or brick, use a power washer, but watch the PSI since too strong a stream can dislodge mortar and loose stucco. Remove mold, moss stains and mildew with chemicals specially formulated for your exterior type. You may also hire mold inspections and removal service for this task.

Moving Indoors

Now that the outside is sparkling, you can tackle of those projects you have been putting off. Clean out the pantry. Get rid of expired foods and cans, and wipe down the shelves. Move older items to the front for easier access. Pull everything out of your freezer and toss those with freezer burn (and anything older than this list compiled by at Food Safety). If you do not date your frozen foods, now would be a good time to start.

Gather all your old books, magazines and newspapers. Recycle the newspapers and pass the magazines and books along to a shelter, senior center or free library. Get rid of envelops and junk mail that may have gathered and toss the holiday cards (or store them if you’re sentimental). Clean the clutter from your refrigerator front to make room for new photos, art and postcards.

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, you can clean it using this 15-minute method, or call a chimney sweep.

Purge the Closet

Pull out winter clothing you didn’t wear this season and pass it on to someone else. Store your remaining cold-weather duds in plastic storage bags. If space is an issue, use the vacuum-style storage. Switch out flannel sheets for summer-weight ones and put away the heavy comforter in favor of a lighter coverlet.

When you’ve spruced up your house, you can decide if now is the right time to put it on the market. We can help you with that decision, so give us a call.

Compliments of Virtual Results

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