Step 3: Sit Back, Get Connected, and Wait for the Magic

That’s it – that’s all we need to get your site completed! You can sit back & relax while the team at Virtual Results works our magic on your site.

What to expect next:

  • You’ll receive a user name and password to your new Virtual Results site
  • You’ll receive a user name and password to Geek Estate Pro, which is where you’ll get your questions about your site answered

In the meantime, get connected with Virtual Results to remain up to speed with additions and enhancements to our predesigned websites that work platform:

If you’re looking for some further reading, you can start familiarizing yourself with our predesigned platform by browsing our Support Center.

If you’d like to know what stands between now and having your site live on your domain name, you can review this document.

Now, have a cup of coffee or tea and wait for the magic to happen…we’ll be reaching back out to you when your site is completed.

The Team at Virtual Results