What Have Your Online Efforts Done for You Lately?

By Drew Meyers on April 21, 2011

As you may or may not know, Virtual Results acts as the internet marketing department for agents, teams, and brokers around the country. The goal of any business website should be to produce leads for you to turn into clients. As part of our consulting services, we do 100% unique content creation, craigslist posting, full blown World Class SEO, monitor analytics, A/B testing, and just about everything in between (full range of services outlined here).

Last month, the website of one of our consulting clients produced 132 leads in one month. Yes, that was 132 leads in one month!

How many leads has your website produced lately?

If we don’t produce results, go ahead, fire us. The ROI needs to make sense, but if you and your team are able to turn phone numbers and email addresses into clients, we’re confident it will. We only work with one consulting client in a given market, so contact us today if you’re looking to take your business to the next level and for a bit of extra promoting you can consider ordering custom printed tags.