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Getting Ready For Your Big Move


Getting Ready For Your Big MoveSummer is moving season! In fact, did you know that July 31 is often the busiest moving day of the year? The real estate market is hotter than ever, and millions of Americans are packing up and moving on to newer and better things. If that’s you, then you’ll want to make sure you’re organized and ready for that big move. Moving can be stressful and challenging, and the better prepared you are, the easier your move will be. So follow these top tips for making your summer move a breeze!

Get rid of stuff

OK, first things first – it makes no sense to move things you no longer want or need. It will cost you both time and money. So do yourself a favor and declutter now before you hit the road. Not sure where to start? Begin by offloading duplicates and things you no longer use. Donate items that still have life in them. If you need dumpster rental services to put all your unwanted things, don’t hesitate to call the nearest provider in your area. Remember – you can always replace items if you discover you need them down the line.

Start gathering supplies now

We promise you this – you will always need more boxes, tape, and other moving supplies than you think. So start gathering them now. Begin collecting cardboard and plastic boxes (or whatever you’re planning to use for your move). Keep all the newspaper, bubble wrap, and other packing supplies that come your way. Stock up on packing tape. It’s better to have some extras left over than to be scrambling to find supplies right at the end.

Go room by room

Another pro tip – don’t try to pack up your whole house in one weekend. Even if you work better under stress, this is a recipe for disaster. Instead, start early and take it room by room. Keep boxes and totes in each room, and dedicate some time every weekend to packing up those things you won’t be using between now and your move date. Having the majority of your packing done in the weeks leading up to your move will save you significant headaches during those last crucial few days.

Get your storage set up

If possible, start getting your storage set up in your new place. Know where you’ll be storing those things you won’t be immediately unpacking, and have a plan. This could mean setting up shelves in your garage or basement where boxes and totes can live until they find their permanent homes. If you have limited storage space, then you might want to consider renting a self storage unit.

Label all boxes

When you’re packing, label each box on all sides. Be sure to indicate what room the box should go to. This will help you and your movers on moving day and will save you time after moving day. You won’t need to haul boxes to the right places once you’re moved in – everything will already be in the appropriate room. Make sure to clearly indicate if there are fragile items in a box so that you and your movers know to be more careful with it. And once you’re in your new space, start unpacking the rooms you’ll use first, like the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. You can save the other spaces for later.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Benefits of Owning a Home


Benefits of Owning a HomeOwning a home is the quintessential American Dream. Being a homeowner is a mark of success and offers so much more than simply providing you a place to live. In fact, there are many benefits of owning a home, some of which aren’t immediately apparent. If you’re considering making the leap into homeownership this year, then these are some of the advantages that you’ll get when you do.

Protects you from inflation

One of the lesser-known benefits of owning a home is that it can shield you from the effects of inflation. This is critically important right now as we’re all feeling the pinch of rising prices. When you rent a home during a period of inflation, your monthly rental prices will likely increase to keep up with inflation. But when you own a home and have a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly payments will remain the same. That can make a huge difference in your monthly expenses. And if you’re in a financial crunch because of inflation, you can take advantage of your home equity to apply for a home equity loan or line of credit. These are usually easier to qualify for and have better terms than credit cards or personal loans.

Helps you grow your wealth

Owning a home is one of the best ways to grow wealth. Your home is a financial investment and is one of the best ways to improve your long-term financial health. As you build equity, you are building your net worth. In addition, although the real estate market may fluctuate in the short term, real estate always increases in value in the long term. The longer you own your home, the more wealth you can build.

Leads you to more community engagement

When you own your home, you have an investment in your community. That’s why homeowners tend to be more involved in their communities. When you engage more in your local area, you are helping to improve it, making it an even more attractive place to live. Homeowners often have a sense of pride not only in their own homes but also in their wider community. And that engagement can even help to boost home values in your neighborhood, making it a winning situation all around.

Gives you an emotional boost

Your home reflects who you are – your tastes, your likes and dislikes, and your priorities. Our homes are often our sanctuaries, which was even more obvious during the pandemic. They are our safe havens, our places of work, and where we relax and enjoy ourselves. Most homeowners have an emotional connection to their homes and derive pleasure from that ownership. You have the freedom to improve it, make changes as your tastes and needs change, and share it with those you love. Your home is not only a financial investment, but it’s a place where you make memories, start families, learn new skills, and become more of who you are.

The bottom line

Owning a home has so many financial, social, and emotional benefits. If you’re ready to begin your home search, then contact us today!

Compliments of Virtual Results

Pricing Your Home for Sale


Pricing Your Home for SaleThere are many things to do when you’re preparing to sell your home. From cleaning and decluttering to painting and making repairs, your to-do list might seem a mile long. But one of the most important decisions to make when you’re selling is the listing price. In fact, one of the most common questions we get from sellers is, “How do I price my home?”. Let’s take a closer look at how to arrive at the best price for the current market.

Why the listing price is so important

First of all, we can’t stress enough how important it is to price your home correctly from the start. If you price too low, then you can potentially leave money on the table. Conversely, if you price too high, then your home may languish on the market. Finding just the right price is key to a quick sale for the greatest profit.

Look at comps

The first place to look when you’re deciding on your selling price is other recently sold homes in your neighborhood. Find homes that are similar to yours in terms of size, age, and amenities, often called “comps” or comparables in real estate. Look at those within a half-mile of your home that have listed and sold in the last three months to see what they ultimately sold for. This is your best starting point.

Get a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis)

When you work with a real estate agent to sell your home, they will give you a CMA, or Comparative Market Analysis, for your property. This is essentially a report that details the recent sales in your area. While you can certainly do your own research online as well, having a CMA from a reputable agent can give you more confidence when it comes to determining your selling price.

Look at expired listings

During your search for comps, you’ll also come across expired or withdrawn listings in your neighborhood. These can also provide valuable information to you. Look for clues as to why they may not have sold or why the owner took them off the market. In some cases, the home may have been listed above recent comps and was deemed too expensive by buyers.

Compare listing prices to final sales prices

It’s also a good idea to compare the listing prices to the final sales prices on recently sold homes in your area. Did they sell for listing or above? Or were there one or more price reductions along the way? By looking at another seller’s mistake you can help to avoid making the same one.

Consider online searches

Finally, when determining the listing price for your home, you should consider that most buyers begin their home searches online. Most of the popular online real estate websites have price ranges, so most buyers will choose a range that fits their budget. You’ll want to make sure that your home fits well within one of those ranges, or it may be excluded from the results. Buyers who could afford your home may not end up seeing your listing if you fall just outside their desired range.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Decluttering Tricks Revealed


Decluttering Tricks Revealed

Is your clutter getting you down? Are you preparing to move and trying to figure out what to do with all your stuff? For some, decluttering is an easy task that is swiftly accomplished in a single day. For others, decluttering is a marathon where you stare at those piles until you finally feel motivated to tackle them. If you’re part of the latter group, then you should know that there are some tricks that can help you conquer your clutter once and for all. Here’s what you should know.

Get rid of duplicates

This sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised by how many people hold onto multiples of items “just in case”. Are you one of those people? Then one of the ways you can combat your clutter is to get rid of those duplicates. There’s no good reason to keep several spatulas or brooms or fly swatters…you name it. Keep the best one and donate the rest.

Only keep what fits in a space

If you find it challenging to edit the items in your home, then try this trick. Commit to only keeping what fits in a space. For example, if your bookshelf is overflowing with books, then commit to only keeping the books that will fill the space and getting rid of the rest. This trick can be applied to anything, from dishware to linens.

Set a timer

Do you feel overwhelmed by your clutter? Does it seem like it will take you days, weeks, or months to get on top of it? This can create a serious mental obstacle to getting started. You can deal with this problem by committing to short bursts of work. Set a timer for five minutes and complete whatever you can in that time. When the timer goes off, it’s time to stop. It’s much easier to commit to short bursts, and you’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish over time.

Ask for help

Do you have a non-judgemental friend that could be of assistance? Then don’t be afraid to ask them for help. Having an extra set of hands makes lighter work and it can also provide the motivation you need to get the job done.

Use the one in, one out rule

The one in, one out strategy has been helpful for many people trying to control the number of items they bring into their homes. It’s pretty simple – the idea is that every time you bring something new into your home, you must get rid of something else. This can help you keep clutter from accumulating and also help you become more mindful about what you bring into your home.

Go one room or one space at a time

There are many ways to go about tackling the clutter in your home. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed then it can be useful to go one room or even one space at a time. Start with frequently used areas. And if it feels like too much to do the whole room, then just concentrate on one part of the room, like a shelf or even a drawer.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Let Go of These Things When Moving


Let Go of These Things When MovingMoving is a big job. You may think you don’t have that much stuff, but once you start packing it up you may realize you have much more than you thought. But why cart around a bunch of stuff that you don’t really need or use that frequently? That’s why we’ve compiled this list of easy things that you can let go of when you’re moving. By selling or donating these items, you’ll make your move easier and life in your new place more clutter-free! Furthermore, you may hire professional movers to handle the transport of the things you want to bring to your new home. Make sure as well that the movers you are going to hire have already secured necessary documents and Overweight Permits.

All the dishes you don’t need

It is so easy to accumulate dishes over the years. From those souvenir travel mugs to the dish set you inherited from your grandmother, dishes can take up an enormous amount of room in your kitchen cabinets. Do yourself a favor and let these things go before you move. You can easily and inexpensively pick up dishes you really like when you get to your new place.

Old sheets, towels, and pillowcases

How many sets of sheets does one person need? While it can be helpful to have two sets of sheets per bed, anything more becomes a challenge to deal with. The same goes for bath and dish towels. Pare down your collection to what you actually use and donate the rest to a local animal shelter. Most are always in need of sheets and towels.

Clothes that don’t fit

We understand the compulsion to hang on to clothes that don’t quite fit anymore. And we applaud you for truly believing that you’ll lose that extra 10, 20, or 30 pounds. But hanging on to clothes that don’t fit not only makes your closet cluttered, but can also be bad for your mental health. Think about how much someone else may enjoy those items, and donate them instead.

Old electronics

If you’re like most people, then you probably have a box or tub of old or outdated electronics. This could include old cell phones, printers, laptops, modems, and more. There’s no reason for you to drag these items to your next home. Instead, find out how to recycle them before you move.

Old paperwork

When was the last time you looked through your files? Chances are you’re sitting on a pile (or mountain) of paperwork that you no longer need. This includes old bank statements, flyers from school, bills, and the like. You will considerably lighten your load – both physically and mentally – by shredding these documents before you move. You don’t even need to have your own shredder to do it.

Seasonal decorations

Are you still hanging on to party decorations from your spouse’s 40th birthday or Valentine’s Day decor from the dollar store? There’s very little reason to hold on to these items. Party and seasonal decor is cheap and easy to come by. Let these items go.

Anything broken

We all have those items lying around that need repair and that we’ve always thought we would get to…eventually. But with a big move ahead of you, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to make these repairs. And it doesn’t make sense to bring broken items with you to a new place. Give yourself a fresh start and throw away or recycle these items. Top Transport Company In London is a logistics company you can trust that will transport your valuables with care.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Allergy-Proof Your Home


Opening the windows to let in some fresh air can be such a delight this time of year. Except, of course, if you have seasonal allergies. Allergy season generally begins in March with tree pollen and ends in August with grass pollen, so it can be hard to find relief. Fortunately, there are ways that you can allergy-proof your home to minimize your suffering. These are the best tips we’ve discovered for keeping allergies at bay in your home.

Make your home a no-shoe zone

There are many reasons why it can be good to remove your shoes when you get home. And one of the big ones is that it will help reduce your allergies. Pollen and other allergens can hitch a ride into your home via your shoes, thereby spreading the problem around your home. Remove your shoes as soon as you enter and encourage your guests to do the same. It won’t completely eliminate the allergens you bring inside, but it will greatly reduce them.

Wipe down your pets

Pets are another easy way for allergens to enter your living space. Think about it – every time you take your dog out for a walk it probably likes to sniff every plant it encounters. Pollen can easily hide in pet fur, which can then spread around your home. Try using pet wipes and wipe your furry friend down every time they come inside. Shrimp Pro writes about the pros and cons of getting shrimps as pet. So, make sure to visit their website learn all about shrimps.

Take a shower

We hate to break it to you, but just like your pet and your shoes, allergens can attach themselves to your clothes and body, too. One of the best ways to combat this problem is to shower after you’ve been outside for more than a few minutes. Be sure to throw your clothes directly in the laundry as pollen attached to clothing can be transferred to upholstery, too.

Change your filters

You should be cleaning or changing your air filters regularly as part of the routine maintenance of your home. Having clean air filters helps to ensure your appliances run efficiently. But it also helps to make sure that your home is free of allergens. If you haven’t already done so, then now is the time to clean or change the air filters in your home. Furnace Filters, HVAC Filters, Air Filters, Custom Filters, Wholesale Filters, Bulk Filters and air filter 17x20x1 available at

Invest in windows and an air purifier

Ventilation is very important. Make sure your residential windows are comfortable to open and close, as well as keep open only partially. Letting fresh air in will cycle the air inside the home, clearing it from dust and many different allergy causing particles that can otherwise accumulate inside.

If your allergies are particularly bad, then you may want to consider purchasing an air purifier for your home. While air purifiers can be expensive, they can cut down considerably on the number of allergens in the air. Try putting them in the rooms where you spend the most time, including your home office and your bedroom. You may visit My Finest Air to learn more about the benefits of having an air purifier in your home.

Protect your car

Finally, it’s not just your home you should consider when creating a defense strategy against allergens. Your car can become a host for pollen and other allergens, too. When you park on the street or in a parking lot outside, allergens can accumulate in your air vents. That means your allergies could be triggered every time you turn on your car. When possible, park your car inside a garage to help keep allergens under control.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Ace Your Yard Sale


Ace Your Yard SaleYard sale season is here! If you’re ready to unload some of your unwanted stuff, then a yard sale is one of the best and easiest ways to do it. Not only will you declutter your home, but you’ll also make some fast cash in the process. But if you want your yard sale to be as successful as possible, then you’ll need to follow some tips. Here’s what you need to know to ace your upcoming yard sale.

Market your sale

Nobody will come to your yard sale unless they know about it. Fortunately, there are many ways to get the word out, and most don’t even charge a fee. You can post your sale online as well as in print newspapers for your community. You should aim to market your yard sale at least one week ahead of time so shoppers can plan their day. Don’t forget to put up signs in your neighborhood as well, if allowed.

Get plenty of change

Most of your yard sale items will probably be priced in the $1-$5 range, so make sure you have plenty of change. You don’t want the first shopper with a $20 bill to take all the change you have for the day. So be sure to hit up the bank for ones, fives, and quarters to have on hand. You may even want to allow shoppers to pay online through one of the many payment apps that are available. This is particularly good if you’re selling any higher-priced items like furniture or electronics.

Price things correctly

People shop yard sales to find bargains. You’re going to have a lot of cranky shoppers if you price your items too high. And make sure that every item has a price. Otherwise, be prepared to answer the question, “How much is this?” all day. You can save time by grouping like items together. For example, you can make a sign that says that all books are $1.

Be willing to negotiate

You’re having a yard sale because you’re ready to get rid of your things. Don’t make it hard for people to buy your stuff by being inflexible on the price. You can get away with being firm on prices early in the day, especially for new items. But be willing to take less as the day goes on and for those who are purchasing multiple items.

Sell drinks and snacks

It can get hot and tiring to go from one yard sale to the next. That’s why it’s always a good idea to offer drinks and snacks for sale. Consider offering cans of soda or juice boxes for 50 cents or $1. You can also offer pre-packaged snacks like chips and cookies. Selling snacks and drinks is a great job to outsource to your kids. Not only will it be harder for your shoppers to say no, but you’ll also give your kids experience handling money and doing math.

Offer free stuff

Finally, entice shoppers by offering a box or two of free stuff. Place these items closest to the street to lure shoppers closer. As the day goes by, you may want to start adding more items to the free boxes. After all, you don’t want to cart anything back inside at the end of the day.

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Understanding Debt-to-Income Ratio


Understanding Debt-to-Income Ratio

When you’re buying a home, your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) will be an important part of the equation. This critical piece of information will affect whether or not you will qualify for a mortgage and can also affect the terms and conditions of your loan. Let’s take a closer look at debt-to-income ratio so you can be prepared for your upcoming home purchase.

Debt-to-income ratio defined

First of all, let’s be clear about what debt-to-income ratio is. Your DTI is a part of your larger financial picture that will help a lender determine if you qualify for a mortgage. Basically, DTI compares how much money you owe to home much money you make. To determine your personal DTI, divide your monthly debt payments by your gross monthly income.

Why DTI is important to lenders

Lenders evaluate your DTI to get a clearer picture of how you manage your monthly payments. If you have a low DTI, let’s say 15 percent, then that means only a small percentage of your monthly income is used to pay your debts. To lenders, this is a good sign that you can manage a home loan and are unlikely to default. As your DTI increases, so does your risk.

What is the best DTI?

Having a low DTI is best when you want to qualify for a home loan. Lenders are generally looking for a DTI of 43 percent or less. That means that 43 percent or less of your income is used to pay for your monthly expenses. However, most lenders prefer borrowers to have a DTI of 36 percent or less, with only 28 percent or less of that amount being used for mortgage or rent payments. Maximum DTIs will vary from lender to lender, so be sure to shop around so you know your options.

How to lower your DTI

If you’re concerned because your debt-to-income ratio is on the high side, then there are steps that you can take to lower your DTI. These include:

  • Make larger payments toward your monthly debt to more quickly lower your overall debt.
  • Don’t take on more debt.
  • Reduce the amount you charge on your credit cards and pay off existing balances when possible.
  • Don’t make large purchases such as buying a new car while you’re shopping for a home.
  • Monitor your DTI every month to see if you’re making progress.

What lenders will ask for to calculate your DTI

When you are applying for a home loan, lenders will ask for documentation to get the information they need to calculate your DTI. They will want to see your current pay stubs as well as tax forms from the last two years. If you’ve recently had a change in your income, then you will need a statement from your employer explaining the change in your salary. In addition, if you’ve got a side hustle to help make extra money, you will need to provide the tax documents from these gigs as well. You will also need to show statements related to any existing debt, such as credit card statements.

Compliments of Virtual Results

How To Buy a Home Faster


How To Buy a Home Faster

Yes, buying new homes for sale can take time. But there are strategies you can use to make the process go a little more quickly. Whether you’re a member of the military who has been reassigned or you need to move to a new location for work, sometimes you need to make it happen fast. For your best preferences, you may also want to consider checking out this Skywaters Residences Condo here that sits at the heart of the Central Business District, a significant financial zone.

If you want to make your next home purchase happen as quickly as possible, then follow these important tips.

Get your paperwork together early

Applying for a home loan can be a lengthy process. One way to help speed things along is to be as prepared as possible with what you’ll need to qualify. This means getting your paperwork together early. The good news is, if you get pre-approved for a mortgage – which is essential in today’s market – then you’ll have what you need to get moving as soon as your offer is accepted.

Know what you can afford

The house-hunting process can also take time if you’re not prepared. There’s no sense in looking at homes that are outside of your budget. This wastes your time and draws out the process of buying a home. It can also create unwanted drama when you find a home you love that you simply can’t afford. For this reason, you should find out how much house you can afford before you begin your search. This way, you’ll only be looking at homes that fit within your budget, saving you valuable time.

Know what you want

In addition to knowing what you can afford, you need to know what you want. After all, how will you know you’ve found what you’re looking for if you don’t know what that is? Once you know how much house you can afford, then make a list of those things you need to have in a home and those things that would be nice to have. This will make it much easier for you to spot just the right home for you and avoid wasting time on homes that won’t meet your needs.

Do your research

Now it’s time to start doing your research. Begin by exploring the neighborhoods where you think you might want to live. Look at things such as nearby amenities and the quality of the school district. Then start looking at the available homes for sale in the neighborhoods that you like. It’s easier than ever to browse home listings online, and your agent can also help locate the properties that best fit your needs. Kassia Condo is the latest residential development in the eastern district 17 located in Singapore. Don’t forget to check it out as well!

Work with an experienced agent

Finally, the best thing you can do to make your home purchase happen quickly is to work with an experienced real estate agent. Working with an agent who is an expert in your neighborhood with years of experience can help you close more quickly as noted by Chrystal Wright – eXp Realty. They’ll know what to expect during the process and can help you navigate any obstacles that may happen along the way. They will let you know what to expect and help you be prepared for every step of the process before it happens.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Quick Weekend Curb Appeal


Quick Weekend Curb AppealHave you been putting off sprucing up your curb appeal because you think it will take too long? We understand not wanting to commit hours and hours of work to a home project when the beach beckons. Fortunately, there are ways that you can quickly boost your curb appeal without spending tons of time or money. In fact, you can make a huge improvement in your curb appeal in as little as one weekend. Here’s how!

Give your front door a facelift

One of the easiest and most dramatic ways to give your front yard a boost is to paint your front door in an eye-catching color. Choose a color that complements your home’s exterior. Simply clean the door, apply a primer, and then two coats of paint. This is a job that can be completed in an afternoon and will only cost you the price of a gallon of paint.

Trim up the landscaping

Another quick and easy way to amp up your curb appeal is to trim up your landscape installation. This includes trees, bushes, and perennials as well as the grass. Apply a fresh layer of mulch to garden beds after removing weeds.

Add a new house number

Did you know that something as simple as a house number can make your home look dated? That’s why we recommend replacing your house numbers with something more contemporary. Choose a style that fits with the architecture of your home, and make sure the numbers are large enough to be easily read from the street.

Create a container garden

You don’t have to completely overhaul your garden beds to make your home’s exterior shine. Have you thought about simply adding a few colorful containers of plants and flowers? Place containers around your front door or on your porch for a quick pop of color and texture.

Make things squeaky clean

Another easy way to may your home look fabulous on the outside is to give everything a good cleaning. Winter can be tough on porches, decks, walkways, and siding. Buy, rent, or borrow a pressure washer to clean your home’s exterior including sidewalks and driveways. You’ll be amazed at how much ground-in dirt and grime it will wash away. In case your driveway needs more than just cleaning, you may hire an asphalt services contractor to give it a makeover. If you are planning to renovate your decks but have no idea what it would look like, then you might want to consider consulting a professional deck builder for some great ideas.

Get a new welcome mat

Feel in the mood to do a little shopping? Then head to the store (or shop online) for a new welcome mat for your front door. There are so many great options available now that can showcase your style and personality.

Refresh outdoor furniture

Are you lucky enough to have a front porch where you can sit and watch the day go by? Then now is the time to invest in some new bling for your outdoor furniture. Consider adding a fresh coat of paint to chairs and tables and choose new cushions and pillows in a complementary style and color. Then reward yourself with a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade!

Add solar lighting

Finally, add the crowning touch to your new outdoor paradise – accent lighting. Solar lights are a great choice and can be very inexpensive. Choose path lighting or string lights to create a soft and ambient glow once evening descends.

Compliments of Virtual Results