Getting Ready For Your Big Move
Summer is moving season! In fact, did you know that July 31 is often the busiest moving day of the year? The real estate market is hotter than ever, and millions of Americans are packing up and moving on to newer and better things. If that’s you, then you’ll want to make sure you’re organized and ready for that big move. Moving can be stressful and challenging, and the better prepared you are, the easier your move will be. So follow these top tips for making your summer move a breeze!
Get rid of stuff
OK, first things first – it makes no sense to move things you no longer want or need. It will cost you both time and money. So do yourself a favor and declutter now before you hit the road. Not sure where to start? Begin by offloading duplicates and things you no longer use. Donate items that still have life in them. If you need dumpster rental services to put all your unwanted things, don’t hesitate to call the nearest provider in your area. Remember – you can always replace items if you discover you need them down the line.
Start gathering supplies now
We promise you this – you will always need more boxes, tape, and other moving supplies than you think. So start gathering them now. Begin collecting cardboard and plastic boxes (or whatever you’re planning to use for your move). Keep all the newspaper, bubble wrap, and other packing supplies that come your way. Stock up on packing tape. It’s better to have some extras left over than to be scrambling to find supplies right at the end.
Go room by room
Another pro tip – don’t try to pack up your whole house in one weekend. Even if you work better under stress, this is a recipe for disaster. Instead, start early and take it room by room. Keep boxes and totes in each room, and dedicate some time every weekend to packing up those things you won’t be using between now and your move date. Having the majority of your packing done in the weeks leading up to your move will save you significant headaches during those last crucial few days.
Get your storage set up
If possible, start getting your storage set up in your new place. Know where you’ll be storing those things you won’t be immediately unpacking, and have a plan. This could mean setting up shelves in your garage or basement where boxes and totes can live until they find their permanent homes. If you have limited storage space, then you might want to consider renting a self storage unit.
Label all boxes
When you’re packing, label each box on all sides. Be sure to indicate what room the box should go to. This will help you and your movers on moving day and will save you time after moving day. You won’t need to haul boxes to the right places once you’re moved in – everything will already be in the appropriate room. Make sure to clearly indicate if there are fragile items in a box so that you and your movers know to be more careful with it. And once you’re in your new space, start unpacking the rooms you’ll use first, like the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. You can save the other spaces for later.
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