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Best Tech Tools for Homebuyers


Best Tech Tools for Homebuyers

One of the great advantages of being a homebuyer in 2019 is the number of tools you have at your disposal. Never before has a homebuyer had so many options for researching a neighborhood, browsing for homes, or even applying for mortgages. In fact, there are so many resources available that it can be a bit overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of what we think are some of the best tech tools out there for homebuyers. Happy hunting!

Determining your budget

When you begin your home search, you need to know where to start. Which is why it’s important to know how much house you can afford. This allows you to zero in on properties that are within your budget from the very beginning. There are many great online calculators available that let you plug in your numbers to get an estimate of what your budget should be.

Browsing the market

It’s never been easier to search for homes for sale. According to the National Association of Realtors, half of all homebuyers find their home online. There are many great online resources for browsing homes for sale, including Trulia, Zillow, and You can also browse the websites of local real estate agents to find properties that are for sale in your area.

Researching the neighborhood

If you’re moving to a new area, then you want to get a sense of what it’s like before you decide on a home. With the technology that is now available, you can visit the neighborhood without leaving your couch. A great way to get a sense of the layout of the land is through Google Maps. You can virtually walk the entire neighborhood to see what the other homes are like and what businesses and other amenities are in the area. Search Yelp to find out where locals like to shop, eat, and play. There are even tools to find out the crime rate, how walkable the area is, and what the schools are like. Check out this great article from to discover other great tools for researching the neighborhood.

Keeping track of details

If you’re visiting lots of homes, then it can be a challenge to keep all the details straight. That’s why it’s such a good idea to use the camera on your smartphone when you’re touring a house. Take pictures of all the rooms, including the views outside the windows. Don’t forget to also take pictures of the exterior including the roof and landscaping. You’ll find that you use these images over and over again as you weigh the pros and cons of each of the homes you tour.

Sharing documents

Finally, you’re going to be dealing with quite a bit of paperwork when you’re buying a home. An easy way to store and share this information is with cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive. You can save all your photos to these sites as well as loan documents and other paperwork related to the purchase of the house. It makes it simple to keep everything organized and to share it with others on your team with ease. Make sure that you’re protecting your data. Read More here.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Clean the Air in Your Home


Clean the Air in Your HomeIt’s that time of the year when we’re all thinking about how clean our homes are. The Marie Kondo craze has many of us clearing out our closets and cabinets in order to make our homes free of clutter. But have you stopped to consider how clean the air in your home is as well? We spend approximately 90 percent of our lives indoors, and evidence suggests that indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. Here’s some advice on how to clean and improve the quality of the air in your home.

Don’t smoke inside

Everyone knows that cigarettes are harmful to your health – both for the smoker and for those who are exposed to secondhand smoke. According to the Surgeon General, even breathing just a small amount of secondhand smoke can be harmful. The best way to improve the air quality in your home is to not smoke indoors.

Test for radon

Radon is a gas that occurs naturally outdoors in harmless amounts. It’s produced from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rocks. It sometimes gets concentrated in homes built on soil with natural uranium deposits. It can enter buildings through cracks in floors or walls, construction joints, or gaps in foundations around pipes, wires or pumps for which you may require to hire a radon mitigation system cost. Radon levels are usually highest in the basement or crawl space. Getting your home tested for radon can help protect you and your family from a key cause of lung cancer. Exposure to radon accounts for about 21,000 deaths from lung cancer each year according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Radon is the second leading cause for lung cancer. It’s an odorless, tasteless radioactive gas that is released from the decay of elements in rocks and soil. The only way to determine if harmful levels of radon are present in your home is to have radon mitigation specialists come in and have the air tested.

Open the windows

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to clean the air in your home is to simply open the windows. Even if you only open them for a few minutes a day, it’s enough time to get the air moving so that indoor pollutants can be dispersed.

Get some houseplants

Houseplants aren’t just great for decoration. They can also help filter the air in your home. In fact, the American Society of Horticulture Science has determined that there are three houseplants in particular that can reduce ozone levels in your home – snake plants, spider plants, and golden pothos.

Use essential oil diffusers

Instead of using scented candles, which perfume the air, opt for essential oil diffusers. Not only do the fragrances of the oil make your house smell nice, they can also cut down on pollutants. Essential oils such as tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, and clove have antibacterial properties and can help reduce dust mites.

Use nontoxic chemicals

Are you using harsh chemicals to clean your home? They can actually be contributing to your problem. Toxic chemicals can cause irritation and should only be used as a last resort. Instead, opt for natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda.

Run your air conditioner

According to experts like Friends & Family HVAC, every time you run your air conditioner, you’re cleaning the air in your home. That’s because most AC systems use a filter that traps particles before the air is pumped back into your home. Replace the filters as recommended by the manufacturer, and have an ac repair technician or a Mini-Split Repair contractor inspect your system if you notice any problems. Maybe this AC Repair in Port St. Lucie can help you.

Groom your pets

Pet dander can be a major problem for some people and makes asthma symptoms worse. Help keep the air clean by brushing them outdoors frequently and vacuuming regularly.

Get a salt lamp

Did you know that Himalayan salt lamps not only add a pretty glow to your room, they also help clean the air? The warm bulb inside heats the salt lamp, which releases negative ions into the air. Negative ions help to keep the air clean, much like the clean air you find on ocean beaches.

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How To Remove Rust Stains Naturally


How To Remove Rust Stains Naturally

Do you have rust stains in your bathroom, kitchen, metal support beams or on your car? Rust stains are caused by mineral deposits from hard water or rusty components that leak, which can leave unsightly marks on tubs, sinks, and toilets. If you’re getting ready to sell, or you just moved into a new house, you’ll want to attack those stains as soon as possible. While the stains can be tough to remove, it isn’t impossible, however, rust can eat through metal over time and if you happen to find rust deteriorating any metal peices from your home you may want to get rid of them and have welding services place new ones. Here’s what you need to know to successfully remove stubborn rust stains naturally.

Hydrogen Peroxide

If you’ve ever left a can of shaving cream on the edge of the tub for too long, then you’ve seen the rust stain the bottom of the can leaves behind. Luckily, there’s an easy for fix this that is safe for the environment. If your tub, shower, or sink is ceramic or porcelain, use hydrogen peroxide to clean the unsightly stain. Using one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts cream of tartar, make a paste. Then apply the paste with a sponge or cloth. Leave it on for a couple of hours and then scrub it off with a brush. If the stain is particularly stubborn, repeat the process. Once the stain is gone, rinse with water.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another wonder product that you should always have at home because it has so many uses. If you’ve got a stainless steel sink or appliance with rust stains, baking soda can help to remove them. Since it’s both abrasive and slightly alkaline, it can remove stains and help neutralize acids on the surface that make the rust stains worse. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to two cups of water and work into a paste. Apply the paste to the stain in the direction of the grain then wipe off. For larger or more stubborn stains, sprinkle baking soda on the area and let it sit for up to an hour. Then scrub with a brush. Once the stain is removed, wipe down with water and then dry the area.

White Vinegar

Along with baking soda, white vinegar is one of those household products that should always be in your home pantry. One of its many uses is to clean rust from metal, such as sinks and faucets. If you’re able to remove the faucet or parts of the faucet that have rust, then soak them in a bowl of white vinegar for 24 hours. Scrub clean with a brush and then rinse with water. For larger areas, pour vinegar on the rust stain. Then add a generous layer of salt. Let it stand for a few minutes and then scrub with a brush. You can also dip aluminum foil in vinegar and use it like a scrub brush to remove rust.

Lemon Juice

Finally, lemon juice is another natural remedy to remove rust stains – and it smells better than vinegar, which makes it a great choice. For rust stains on ceramic or porcelain sinks and tubs, cover the rust stain with salt. Then pour lemon juice over the salt until it is saturated. Mix the two together and let it sit on the stain for several hours. Then scrub with a soft cloth until the stain is gone and rinse with water. For stains on metal, try rubbing the rust stain with the rind of the lemon to remove the stain.

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What To Know Before Selling


What To Know Before Selling

If 2019 is the year you want to sell your home, then there are some things you should know before you do it. In fact, the more time you can spend getting organized and preparing your home before it hits the market, the better. After all, you only get a single chance to make a good first impression. Here’s what you need to know before you sell.

Know the local market

Do you have pie-in-the-sky dreams about selling your home at a great price? While it’s great to daydream, you also need to ground your expectations in reality. While you may have a general idea of what the housing prices are in your area, it’s time to do some more research. Check to see how many homes are for sale. Look for homes that are comparable in size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and other amenities. You might even consider attending a couple of open houses. Educating yourself about local housing prices will help you as you decide on an appropriate asking price for your own home.

Know what documents you’ll need

Remember how much paperwork was involved when you bought your home? It’s time to get ready for that again. Sort through all the paperwork you have for your home. This includes documents related to the original sale as well as your mortgage, tax bills, utility bills, warranties, appliance manuals, and records of repairs. You will also want to make sure that any outstanding permits or building violations have been cleared. Finding and organizing all this paperwork before you begin the sales process will make everything run much more smoothly.

Know the closing costs

When you think about selling your home, you think about making money, right? Well, it’s important to remember that it also costs money to sell your home. While some of the fees are negotiable, you can expect to pay about 10 percent of your selling price in fees and commissions. These costs include the real estate agents’ commissions as well as closing costs like HOA fees, property taxes, transfer taxes, title insurance, escrow fees, and attorney fees. You may also be footing the bill for repairs, professional staging, and utilities while the home is on the market (even if you aren’t living there). Also remember that the proceeds of your home sale will first be used to pay off your existing mortgage, including any penalties for paying off the mortgage early.

Know you’re in good hands

Finally, the best tool you can have in your arsenal when selling your home is a knowledgeable real estate agent. Take time to interview several agents in your area so you can get a feel for them. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to research their backgrounds. It’s important to choose a real estate agent with whom you feel comfortable. You will feel less stress down the line when you know from the beginning that you’re in good hands.

Selling a home can be a complex process, and it pays to prepare ahead of time. By knowing what to expect and getting organized, the process will be much less stressful for both you and the buyer.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Competing Against an All-Cash Offer


Competing Against an All-Cash OfferYou found a home you love. You made an offer that you thought couldn’t be beat. But it was – by an all-cash offer from another buyer. Although buyers who pay for homes with cash are attractive in many markets, it doesn’t mean you will always lose out, you can also pay through to make your offer more attractive. If you want to compete with all-cash offers, here’s what you need to know.

Be a strong candidate

If you’re hoping to out-bid an all-cash offer, you have to have all your ducks in a row. You will need to have a down payment of at least 20 percent. You’ll need a stable job and extra money in the bank. You’ll have a small amount of debt and excellent credit. As long as you can prove to a seller that you aren’t a risk, you have the ability to beat out a cash buyer.

Offer more money

Who doesn’t want to make more money on their home sale? If you have the means to offer more money, then it could be worth it to do so. Just be aware that you don’t want to offer more than the home is worth or more than you can afford. Also be aware that the seller may see if the cash buyer is willing to match your offer. Although it isn’t a foolproof strategy, it could help you seal the deal.

Make a bigger down payment

One of the biggest concerns in the real estate process is having a sale fall through because of a low appraisal. You can help to mitigate this issue by making a larger down payment. If you are only looking for fifty percent financing on the home instead of eighty percent, for example, there’s less concern about the appraisal. This can significantly improve your odds of beating a cash offer.

Get an underwriter’s review

If you’re serious about buying a home, then you know how important it is to get pre-approved for a mortgage. But that might not be enough if you’re trying to beat an all-cash offer. You can take it a step further by getting an underwriter’s review of your loan application before you make the offer. The underwriter will review all your finances and can provide you with a loan commitment letter to submit with your offer. Talk to your agent if you think this might be right for you.

Move quickly

One of the benefits of the all-cash offer is the time it saves on the closing process. You have a better chance of competing if you move quickly on your loan. See if you can get a jumpstart on your mortgage by sending the lender the preliminary title report. Line up an appraiser at the time you write the offer, and let the seller know. Also schedule the inspection as soon as possible. If you can help to shorten the loan process by being on top of all the details, the seller will be more likely to seriously consider your offer.

Write a letter

Finally, it doesn’t hurt to write a letter to the seller. Let them know why you love the home, and why you imagine you and your family living there for years to come. Buying and selling residential real estate isn’t just a business transaction. It can also be an emotional milestone. Let the seller know a little more about you. It could make all the difference in the world.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Tidy Your Home With KonMari


Tidy Your Home With KonMari

If you have Netflix, then you may have tuned in to the new show Tidying Up. It’s based on the best-selling book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, written by Marie Kondo. In the show, Marie Kondo demonstrates her simple yet thorough way to declutter and organize your home. If you’re a homeowner who is ready to sell, or you’ve just moved into a new home and you want to get a fresh start, the KonMari Method may work well for you. Here’s an introduction to how the process works.

Visualize the life you want

How can you create a plan for your life if you don’t know where you want to go or what you want to do? The very first step in Marie Kondo’s system is taking time to visualize the life you want to live in your space. Imagine your rooms being clutter-free and all your cabinets and drawers being neatly organized. Imagine how much less stressed you’ll feel when you know where everything is. Think about the kinds of activities you’d like to do in your home, such as hosting more parties or creating a space for your hobbies. Doesn’t it feel good to live in this imaginary space? The KonMari Method was created to help you attain that feeling.

Only keep items that spark joy

The key element of the KonMari Method is only keeping items that spark joy for you. How do you determine which of your belongings make you feel this way? You hold each of them in your hands. Yes – every single item you own. When you hold the object in your hands, you ask yourself – does this item bring me joy? If the answer is yes, you keep it. If the answer is no, you discard it. Remember – this is about how you feel, not about how anyone else feels. Even if it feels irrational to keep an old t-shirt that no longer fits, if it sparks joy, you should hold onto it.

Thank your belongings

When you have determined that an item no longer sparks joy, before discarding it Marie Kondo advises that you thank it. This is an important concept that can radically change how you view the objects you own. When you recognize that your belongings have their own energy and you begin to honor that energy, you will treat your things with more respect. Carrying that idea forward, when you organize the things that you are going to keep, you store them in a way that is easy to see and gives each item some space.

Tackle belongings by category

Once you’re ready to dive into the process, Kondo recommends tackling your belongings by category. She suggests starting with clothing because it is the easiest category. You then move on to books, followed by papers. The next category is called komono, which includes all your miscellaneous items that you’ll find in the kitchen, bathroom, and garage, for example. Finally, you end with sentimental items. The idea is that you will begin to get a feel for what sparks joy and start to trust your intuition with the early categories. That way, when you get to sentimental items, which can be very emotional, you will be able to tell what you should keep and what you can let go of.

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Is Winter a Good Time to Buy?


Is Winter a Good Time to Buy?

You’ve probably heard that the real estate market hits it peak in spring and summer, when kids are out of school and families have time to make the transition. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t be in the market and score a great deal during the other times of the year. If you’re thinking of buying a home in winter, here’s what you need to know.

Less inventory, better deals

There’s no denying that you’ll find the most homes on the market in the spring and summer months when families are relocating. As a result, you’ll discover there are fewer homes to choose from in the fall and winter. But don’t let that deter you. Even though you won’t have as many open houses to attend, you will find better deals overall. While there are fewer sellers in the winter, there are also fewer buyers. This means that those sellers will be more likely to make a deal with you. These deals could come in several ways including a lower price, longer closing time, and more room for contingencies. If you find a home that’s been on the market for a few months, you may find the seller is more than willing to negotiate with you.

Less competition

As stated above, there are fewer serious buyers in the winter. No buyer wants to get involved in a bidding war, and you’re less likely to experience that during the winter season. Fewer buyers means less competition, so you’re more likely to be able to make an offer and have it accepted. And if you’re in a buyer’s market where the inventory of homes for sale is high, there’s a good chance you could find a great deal at this time of year.

Best test for the home

When you buy a home, you want to ensure that it’s in good shape and is ready to withstand the weather. What better time is there than in the dead of winter to see whether or not the house has any issues? During the winter, you will be able to see how well the home is insulated, if it’s protected from moisture and leaks, and if it can withstand the howling winds. Putting can prevent water leaks. You’re more likely to notice drafts, or where water may be pooling and freezing. Since many trees will have lost their leaves, you get a better overall picture of the house, including the roof. You may even check if there are any concealed roofing damages. Without the trees in the way, you’re better able to see if there are any issues that may need to be addressed before you buy.

More attention from your agent

Finally, one of the best reasons to buy in the winter is that your agent will have more time to spend with you. Lower activity in the winter months means agents aren’t as busy. They’ll be more available to answer your questions and can work harder to negotiate on your behalf.

So don’t let the winter weather keep you from house hunting. Winter can be one of the best times of the year to buy a house. Why not start your search today?

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2019 Home Design Trends


2019 Home Design TrendsHappy New Year! It’s 2019 – are you ready for a home décor re-boot? It’s that time of year when many homeowners want to declutter, get organized, and try out new looks in their living spaces. Are you one of them? Then read on to find out what experts are predicting will be the hottest home design trends of 2019.

Amazing bathtubs

Life can be a challenge, right? What better way to relax at the end of a hard day than in a magnificent bathtub? Apparently, many homeowners are on board with this idea. According to the Houzz Bathroom Trend Study for 2018, more than 80 percent of homeowners replace major features like bathtubs when they renovate their master bathrooms. Soaking tubs are on the top of the bathtub wish list, and many homeowners are expanding their bathrooms before they purchase hot tubs to accommodate the extra size.

Black and white kitchens

White kitchens have long been popular with homeowners, but 2019 may see a spike in black accents. These can be added to a white kitchen in the form of black appliances, island accents, and cabinetry. Black is a great choice if you have kids and pets, as it hides dirt and smudges better than white.


Another “hot” trend of 2019 will be fireplaces and fire pits. Fire features can add a cozy ambiance to any living space, whether indoor or outdoor. They can also become a focal point instead of a television, giving you a quiet place to relax and unwind.

Mix-and-match furniture

If you love an eclectic mix of styles, then you’ll be happy to hear that mix-and-match furniture will be big in 2019. Decorating your living room or bedroom with a suite of furniture designed to look the same is on the outs this year. Instead, you’ll see a greater use of furniture from a mix of time periods. Don’t be afraid to pair that family heirloom with these great trestle tables. In 2019, anything goes.


Who doesn’t love the look and feel of velvet? It will be making a serious comeback in 2019. You’ll find it everywhere from sofas to bed linens. Picking the right sofa is important as the centrepiece of any room. Velvet adds a wonderful textural dimension to any room and makes it look cozy and rich. If you’re not sure just how to incorporate this luxurious fabric, start small. A lovely throw blanket or a couple of pillows for your sofa can add that touch of sophistication you’re looking for.

Natural finishes

Finally, one of the biggest trends you’ll see in home design in 2019 is the use of natural finishes. Some of the materials you’ll see in showrooms and living rooms include copper, concrete, stone, granite, bamboo, brick, and reclaimed wood. These natural elements will add an instant warm and cozy feel to any room in your home. Finish off your use of these natural elements by bringing in more of nature with plants and other greenery. Buy houseplants that can live well indoors and even filter toxins out of your air. Or keep it simple with some faux plants that look just like the real thing. What you’ll end up with is a living space that feels grounded and serene.

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Embrace Wabi-Sabi at Home This Year


Embrace Wabi-Sabi at Home This YearAre you exhausted from trying to live your best, most perfect life? Then maybe it’s time to embrace the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi. So what exactly is wabi-sabi, and how can you apply it to your life at home? Here are some practical tips.

What is wabi-sabi?

Wabi-sabi is a concept that originated with Zen Buddhism in Japan. It is the celebration of everything in life that is imperfect. It is an idea that embraces flaws, blemishes, and natural objects. Wabi-sabi acknowledges that everything in life changes and grows older, always in a state of flux. If you’re tired of trying to maintain the illusion of having the perfect home all the time, then wabi-sabi is definitely for you.

Collect objects you love

Forget about trying to make your home look like the latest West Elm catalog. Instead, focus on filling your home with objects that you love, whether they’re considered trendy or not. Don’t be afraid to shop at garage sales, flea markets, and thrift stores to find weathered items that tell a story. Try to look at things with different eyes. Instead of looking for the shiniest, newest object, start looking for the beauty in objects that have a history.

Celebrate the mismatched

It’s not imperative that all your dishes match, or all the furniture in your bedroom. In fact, in can be far more visually interesting if they don’t. Wabi-sabi celebrates character, and nothing builds more character in your home than a collection of mismatched furniture and décor. It’s much more important that you love each of the items than it is that they all match each other.

Keep it simple

Part of the beauty of wabi-sabi is its simplicity and elegance. Keeping your home décor simple allows more space for you to appreciate the objects you have. It also gives you more time to relax, since you aren’t constantly cleaning and organizing. Who couldn’t use a little more down time in their lives?

Bring nature inside

There is no better teacher of the ways of wabi-sabi than Mother Nature. The natural world is constantly changing and there is beauty in aging and decay. That beautiful tree that you love in the springtime when the leaves first begin to bud is the same tree you love in autumn when the leaves change color and drop to the ground. Bring some of this energy into your home with plants and flower arrangements. Branches make excellent centerpieces arranged in an earthenware vase. Don’t worry about getting too fussy with your styling – that’s a big part of the beauty of wabi-sabi.

Learn to live with wrinkles

Who wants to iron their pillowcases? OK – maybe there are some people out there who find it relaxing. But if you’re like most people, it’s not a chore that is cherished. Don’t be afraid to live with your wrinkles. Wrinkled bedding or curtains are perfectly acceptable. There’s no need to try to make it look like nobody lives in your house or uses your things. Wrinkles are a part of life.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Bad Cleaning Habits


Bad Cleaning HabitsThe New Year is here! For many homeowners, that means cleaning and organizing to start 2019 off on a good foot. Although you may have the best of intentions, you could be making some common cleaning mistakes. By trying to take shortcuts, you may actually be creating more work for yourself. Let’s take a look at what those bad cleaning habits may be and offer some solutions for how to tackle them.

Using toxic products

We know you want to get the job done well and quickly, but heading straight to the harshest products isn’t necessarily good in the long run. Many of those products can be toxic to you, your family, your pets, and the environment, especially if you’re exposed to them often. Unless you have an extreme situation, switch to gentler, natural products that are safer to use.

Using too much product

Extra product makes things extra-clean, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. When you use more product than is necessary, like laundry detergent, you end up spending more time cleaning the product off. If you don’t, you leave a residue behind that actually attracts more dirt and grime. Pay attention to labels for the recommended amounts, and use that amount or less.

Using dirty tools

You may think your cleaning tools are clean because you use them for cleaning. But chances are those tools are pretty dirty. In fact, your kitchen sponge is a hotbed of bacteria. If you’re not careful, you could just be spreading more bacteria around when you use it. The same goes for your vacuum cleaner. If it’s filled with dust and debris, you’re just blowing it around your home when you use it. Also keep an eye on your washing machine. If it gets a funny smell, you’re likely using too much detergent and causing bacteria to build up.

Not vacuuming last

If you’re vacuuming your rooms before you dust them, then you’re not cleaning as well as you could be. When you clean up dust, it tends to float into the air and eventually reaches the ground. If you vacuum before you dust, then those dust particles will remain on the floor until the next time you clean. The best rule of thumb is to clean rooms from the top down, and finish by vacuuming.

Make sure that your vacuum is in good condition before using it. People who are facing errors in Roomba vacuum shouldn’t be worried as these errors can be fixed with little effort.

Not closing the shower curtain

Don’t you hate having a moldy shower curtain? You can keep it from attracting mildew by closing it after you shower. When you leave your shower curtain open, the water in the folds doesn’t dry quickly. Over time, mold and mildew will develop. The same goes with your bath mat. Hang it up to dry after each use so that it doesn’t get moldy.

Waiting too long to clean

Finally, one of the worst cleaning habits we all have is waiting too long to clean. It’s so much easier to tackle a little bit of cleaning every day instead of waiting until the task becomes so overwhelming that you don’t want to do it. Do yourself a favor, and make a resolution for 2019 that you’ll clean a little every day instead of waiting to clean the whole house at one time. Furthermore, if you wait too long to clean your home, it gives pests like termites a chance to invade your home and you’ll likely need to contact a termite control company for professional termite control services. If this happens to you, although you should indeed hurry, do your research and hire termite control professionals that are up to the task.

Compliments of Virtual Results