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How To Merge Styles in Your New Home


How To Merge Styles in Your New HomeIs it time to take the big leap and move in to a new home with your partner? No doubt you’re excited about this milestone in your relationship. You’ll now have someone to share the ins and outs of your day-to-day life.

But have you stopped to consider what this means in terms of all the stuff you’ll now share – including all the items you use to decorate your space that makes it feel like home? If you and your partner have similar styles, that’s great. Moving in together and merging your belongings shouldn’t be too difficult. But if you and your partner have vastly different taste when it comes to decorations and furnishings, this can potentially cause some problems. Here’s what you can do to manage merging styles when you and your better half move into your new home.


While you may be hoping that your partner will miraculously and willingly give up most of their stuff so you can keep yours, that’s unrealistic. Moving in together means that if you keep everything, you’re going to have duplicates. Before taking the plunge, it’s time for each of you to purge some of these redundant items. If it isn’t something you love, need or use regularly, it’s time for that item to be sold or donated. If you’re at odds over which duplicated item to keep, choose the one that is newest or of the highest quality.

Choose new items together

When you’re moving in with someone, it’s an opportunity to start fresh. If you’ve been thinking about parting with your couch, and the other person has, too – why not shop for a new couch together? This will help you to find ways to negotiate and define what your new style will be as a couple.

Make a plan

Now that you’ve purged and acquired new items, make a game plan for the new space before moving in. What will go where? Which pieces of art will hang on the wall? Draw up a floor plan and have ideas about where all your stuff will live.


Maybe you’re shabby chic and he’s midcentury modern, and you’re worried those two styles will just not blend. While it’s easy to jump to that conclusion, there really are ways to combine even the most disparate styles. Perhaps you both like brass and the color red. Find details that you have in common and build the room around those. What you’ll create is an eclectic and refreshing new style all your own. You can even give it a name, maybe “Modern Rustic Chic” or “Exotic Elegance.” Who wants to live in a cookie cutter environment anyway? This is an opportunity for you and your partner to put a personal stamp on your home and think outside the box.

Hire a professional

When all else fails and you and your partner just can’t seem to reach an agreement, hire an expert. A professional designer has worked with dozens of clients in similar situations. They can function as a neutral third party and figure out the best way for both of you to be happy.

In the end, remember that it isn’t the space that’s important; it’s the people who occupy the space. Keeping things in perspective and having a willingness to compromise and negotiate is the key to sharing a space and having a healthy and happy relationship.

Compliments of Virtual Results

11 Ways to Make Small Rooms Feel Big


11 Ways to Make Small Rooms Feel Big

Just because you’re short on square footage doesn’t mean your life needs to feel cramped.  Try any of these amazing tricks to make your small space feel big.

  1. Choose the right paint colors

While the generally accepted rule of thumb is to paint small spaces in lighter colors, that isn’t always the case. Some design experts suggest that deeper hues or jewel tones can make a room feel cozy or vibrant. If you’re not sure what to pick, here are some great choices.

  1. Embrace natural lighting

A no-fail way to add a feeling of spaciousness to any room is to let the sun shine in. This is especially true if you have a beautiful view outside your window, which will help draw the eye out. An internal glazed door is a great choice for letting more natural light in.

  1. Be picky about other lighting

Go for variety with your lights in a small room to add depth and softness, such as a small table lamp, a floor lamp and neon light. Plain overhead lighting isn’t going to cut it in a small space. If possible, put dimmers on your lights for even more control and variation.

  1. Use mirrors

Mirrors not only reflect space back at you, they also reflect the light, making the room feel more bright and spacious. Hang a wall mirror or lean a floor mirror against the wall opposite a window, which will increase the light in the room and reflect the view back to you. These smart mirrors for bathroom also add elegance to your space.

  1. Streamline furniture

Nothing makes a small space feel even more cramped than too much furniture. When outfitting a small room, go for furniture that can serve more than one purpose, such as a steamer trunk that can store pillows and blankets and double as a coffee table or ottoman.

  1. Go monochrome

Try painting walls, doors and trim in the same color or different shades of the same color. You can also paint things you don’t want to draw attention to, like built-in shelves and radiators. Choose curtains that also blend with the color on the walls. Or better yet – do away with window treatments altogether if you can.

  1. Be bold

Even though you don’t want to overwhelm a tiny space with too much furniture, you can add visual space by choosing one large statement piece, such as a sectional sofa or dining room table. The perfect solution for small rooms are custom furniture. Click here if you’re looking for custom furniture in Calgary.

  1. Remove interior doors

If you’re space is closed off by interior doors that you don’t really need – like the ones that separate a living room and a dining room – remove them. This lets the eye travel so that one space moves seamlessly to the next.

  1. Show your legs

Instead of furniture that rests directly on the floor, choose sofas and armchairs with legs to make the room feel airier and more spacious.

  1. Be transparent

Choose glass or acrylic tables instead of metal or wood, which disrupt the view and create visual clutter.

  1. Get rid of clutter

The number one rule, of course, with any small space is to remove as much clutter as you can. Leave at least half the space on shelves and tables empty for a more spacious and dramatic look.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Are You Ready for a Fixer Upper?


Are You Ready for a Fixer Upper

Maybe you have dreams of buying a new home but aren’t sure you can financially swing it. Perhaps you have visions of turning an otherwise shabby home into something from your dreams. Or maybe you’ve found a house that’s in the perfect neighborhood and it’s the perfect size – but it needs a little love.

There are lots of reasons you may consider buying a fixer-upper – anything from saving a little money on the purchase to putting your own personal stamp on the house. No matter what is motivating you, there are some things you should consider before signing on the dotted line. Ask yourself these questions when you’re deciding whether or not you’re ready for a fixer upper.

Do you want to save on the initial cost?

Buying a fixer upper can be really great on the pocketbook, at least in the short term. A home that is in need of work is generally going to cost you less than a home that is move-in ready. An added bonus is that in many cases the money and time you invest in the refurbishment of the home will add more value, so you could see yourself coming out ahead.

Are you prepared for the added costs?

Though you will likely save on the initial costs, you will most assuredly be sinking money into renovations. Even if you have a good handle on how much you think the renovations will cost, there are always surprises as you dig into the work. You never really know what’s behind the wall or under the floor until you start to demolish it. Be sure to build in a good buffer when you’re saving for those renovations.

How much time do you have?

Depending on the shape of your fixer upper, you may not be able to move in right away. Renovations always take longer than expected, so be prepared to spend some time living elsewhere while you’re updating.

Can you handle a work-in-progress?

Once you have the house in livable condition, it might still be far away from being the home of your dreams. How well can you adapt to living in an unfinished home where the kitchen isn’t quite ready, or the bathroom still needs updating? Can you embrace not being able to fully decorate and make your house a home for a few weeks or even a few months?

How much work are you willing to do?

One of the enticing aspects of owning a fixer-upper is saving money, so many homeowners envision doing much of the work of renovating themselves. But what you may think is a little work in the beginning could turn out to be a whole lot more than you expected. What skills do you have, and what are you willing to learn? How in shape are you? Will you have enough time away from work and other responsibilities to finish what you need to do in a reasonable amount of time?

Fixer uppers can be really wonderful homes to purchase, and many homeowners love the experience of owning a home that they had a hand in renovating. Just make sure you’re really prepared for all that a fixer upper entails before you take the plunge.

Compliments of Virtual Results

How to Choose the Best Offer for Your Home


How to Choose the Best Offer for Your Home

You’ve put your house on the market. You had a great open house. And now you’ve gotten an offer – followed by three more.

If you’re selling your home, you may find yourself in the position of having to choose between different offers. While this is often an enviable position to be in – who doesn’t dream of a bidding war? – it also means that at some point you’ll have to choose between them.

If you’re wondering how to decide between competing offers for your home, here are some tips to make choosing easier.

All offers are negotiable

The first thing to remember when evaluating any offer for your home is that all offers are negotiable. It’s part of the process for the seller and potential buyer to go back and forth until a mutually desirable agreement is made. If you receive an offer that is interesting but not quite what you had hoped for, you can make a counteroffer asking for modifications.

Define your priorities

Before you even begin entertaining any offers, you must first decide what your priorities are for your home sale. On which terms are you willing to negotiate? Which terms, if not fulfilled, are deal breakers? Do you need to sell quickly, or do you have time to wait for a better offer? Take the time to clearly set your goals so you end up satisfied with the process in the end.

Establish a process with your real estate agent

If you or your agent thinks that your home will receive multiple offers, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place before you begin receiving those offers. Decide on a timeframe that you will accept offers, and let potential buyers know there is a clear deadline. Your agent has probably gone through this process before and will likely already have an established way of dealing with multiple offers – let their expertise guide you here. They can discuss with you how the review process will take place, and will likely be open to any modifications you may want to make.

Analyze each offer

Each offer you receive on your home needs to be carefully scrutinized before making a decision. While it may be tempting to go with the buyer offering the highest price, there are other considerations to bear in mind. Does the buyer want you to make any repairs? Are they asking for appliances to be included in the purchase price? Are they offering enough earnest money to deposit for the down payment? Is the buyer pre-approved for a mortgage? Do they want you to cover closing costs? Does their closing date align with your timeline? For each of these critical points, you’ll want to ask yourself what you’re willing to compromise on and what is a deal breaker.

While receiving multiple offers on your home can be very exciting, it’s important to keep in mind the big picture and have a plan in place for what to do if you need to decide between two or more potential buyers. With a little forethought and a set of clearly defined goals, you’ll have an easier time making that final call.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Saving for Your Down Payment


Saving for Your Down PaymentIf buying a home is in your future, one of the realities you’ll need to face is the need to save for a down payment. Depending on the type of mortgage you qualify for, you’ll need anywhere from three to upwards of 20 percent of the purchase price in order to close. While that may seem like a lot of money to come up with in one lump sum, it can be done with some forethought, planning and discipline.

Here’s some of our best advice for saving money for your down payment.

Determine what you can afford

One of the first steps you need to take when you’re house shopping is to get pre-qualified for a mortgage. Not only will this make you more attractive to sellers, it will inform you how large a loan you can reasonably expect to carry. That, in turn, will tell you how much you need to save for your down payment. Depending on what percentage you’d like to put forward as a down payment, your mortgage lender can then calculate your target home price. Remember, the larger the down payment you can manage, the less you will need to pay each month for private mortgage insurance (PMI) and the better the interest rate will be for your loan, so it’s best to save as much as possible.

Find out if you qualify for a mortgage with a lower down payment

There are certain types of mortgages that allow buyers to put down a significantly lower down payment than a conventional loan, including an FHA loan, a VA loan and a USDA loan. Each loan type has its own set of qualifications, and these may be a good choice for you if you fit the criteria.

Decide on a timeframe

You probably won’t be able to save enough money overnight, so it’s a good idea to give yourself a timeframe for saving this money. If you’d like to begin your home search in earnest in three years, take the amount you need to save and divide it by the number of months you’ve given yourself to determine how much you need sock away each month.

Open a savings account

If you don’t already have a savings account where you do your banking, now is the time to open one. Most banks will allow you to set aside a fixed amount each month to be transferred from your checking to your savings, and automating the process will help keep you on track. Consider depositing one-time payments, like tax refunds, directly into your saving accounts, to reach your goal more quickly.

Check your credit

Your credit can help you score a better deal on your interest rate – as well as more breathing room with your down payment – as long as your score is good. As soon as you’ve decided to start saving, check your credit report to make sure it’s accurate. Sometimes credit reports contain inaccurate information that can hurt you, so give yourself plenty of time to clean up your report and your credit score.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Solar Energy 101


Solar Energy 101

Have you driven around town and noticed that more and more homes have photovoltaic panels installed on their rooftops? Were you thinking that it might be time for you to do the same?

Most people think that working with Solar Farm Development Services is going to be expensive, and, in past years, they would be right—traditionally, solar technology has been extremely pricey. However, in the last decade, the cost of going solar has dropped by a whopping 55%. Think about the benefit of Smart Solar Energy if you’re considering solar in 2023!

While solar panels are a great option for many homeowners, not every house is suitable. According to solar installer preston, If you’re considering taking the plunge into solar energy, here are answers to some of the few basic questions you may have, have a look at the best solar powered generator for refrigerator.

What are the benefits of solar power?

According to a top ranking solar panel company, there are many reasons to be excited about using solar energy for your home, which include:

  • Greener living – solar energy is a renewable resource and no emissions are generated from the panels.
  • Low maintenance – once your solar energy panels are installed, there’s very little maintenance involved.
  • Durability – solar panels don’t contain any moving parts so they’re tough and durable, and most can be expected to last about 25 years.
  • Rebates – many states and municipalities offer rebates for switching to solar energy, which can save you money in the long run.
  • Property value – solar panels can even increase the value of your home!

How does solar energy work?

While the science and technology behind solar panels is somewhat complex, what it boils down to is that the panels use photovoltaic cells to generate electron activity when exposed to the sun. In turn, this activity is captured and converted to DC electricity. For systems that are connected to the main power grid, a grid connect inverter then converts that electricity to 120v or 240v AC, which is what is used to power most electrical appliances, and if you want to learn more about solar power you can also visit sites like for more information.

Which direction do the solar panels face?

While south-facing roofs are ideal for collecting and converting the most amount of solar energy, homeowners with east or west facing roofs can still benefit. The angle of the panels is set to maximize exposure based on your home’s latitude.

Is my home a good candidate for solar panels?

If your home gets a large amount of shade during the day, you may not be a good candidate for solar energy, since the panels rely on direct sunlight to generate power. Ideally, your roof should get at least five hours of unobstructed sunlight a day. Your roof also needs to have a solid structure that can handle the weight of the panels and the system that supports them. You may discover that your roof needs to be repaired or reinforced before you can safely install the panels. In addition, solar panels are more difficult to install on some types of roofs, including those with Spanish tile or shake.

How are the panels installed?

A solar panel system needs to be installed by an experienced contractor, and it’s a good idea to get proposals from at least three before you decide who will do the work.

Will the panels hurt the roof?

If installed properly, the solar panels will not damage the roof. In fact, the panels will actually shield the roof underneath them from weather-related damage. Many homeowners even discover that the areas in the home underneath the panels remain cooler in summer months and warmer in winter.

How to Unlock Your Home’s History


How to Unlock Your Home’s History

Have you ever wondered who may have lived in your home before you? Did you discover an interesting relic in the attic and would love to know where it came from? Are you thinking about buying an older home and want to know more about its history before you pull the trigger?

There are many reasons why you may want to research the history of a home. In case you are interested in unlocking your home’s past, here are some resources that will help you get started.

Look for clues in your home

The first place to start your search is in your home itself. Take a look at architectural details, layout and types of building materials used to give you clues as to what time period your home was built. You might also discover some areas that seem out of place, which may indicate they were added at a later date.  If you have the inclination, you might also try checking between walls and under the floors for items like newspapers or personal effects that may have been discarded and forgotten about at some point. It might even be fun to use a metal detector to unearth clues in your yard like old coins.

Talk to your neighbors

If you have any neighbors that have lived in the area for any length of time, they could have some valuable information about past owners. You may even find that there are details about your neighbor’s home that are similar to yours that could offer clues about its history. 

Research with the historical society

A great place to expand your search is with your local historical society. They can be a treasure trove of information such as permits and other property and building paperwork that may have been filed. You can find a list of historical societies by state here.

Visit the county courthouse

In addition to the historical society, you can find documents related to your home’s history at the county courthouse. A valuable document to have is your property abstract, which traces all the deeds and legal transactions for your home. If you weren’t given a copy when you bought your home, you can likely find it at the courthouse.

Check genealogy records

There are some helpful online resources to trace genealogy that can also help you trace the history of your home. Family Search is an online database that lets you search by residence to discover who may have lived at your address in the past. Cyndi’s List is another great site, with a page devoted to house and building histories. With the genealogy information you can expand your knowledge about previous owners and other occupants, and learn more about what their lives may have been like when they lived in your home.

Have fun and be respectful

You may stumble upon information on people who are still living who may have once resided in your home, but remember that they have their own memories associated with those times, which may or may not be favorable. Approach living people with caution and know that in some cases it’s best to compile your information without actually contacting anyone personally.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Quiet Your Noisy Home


Quiet Your Noisy Home

Dogs barking, car alarms shrieking, helicopters buzzing overhead, sirens blaring – sometimes the world just outside your home is a noisy place. Couple that with all the various noises that come from within your house, and you’ve got a potential sound problem on your hands.

While you can’t silence every disturbance (sometimes you just have to accept that the neighbor kid likes to practice his tuba in the morning), you can take steps to make sure your home’s sounds don’t drive you crazy. Here are some suggestions on how to quiet your noisy home.

Fabric is your friend

The more hard surfaces you have in your home, the more sound can echo, amplifying whatever noise you already hear. You can help to diminish this by layering your wood or tile floor with rugs, hanging curtains in windows, buying upholstered furniture instead of wood or metal, and using fabric wall hangings in place of traditional framed art. You can also pile pillows on couches and beds for further sound absorption.

Use solid doors

One way to keep sound from traveling from one room to another is to close the door – but not all doors are created equal. Many of today’s home feature hollow-core doors, which do very little muffle sound. Instead, replace these doors with solid doors from made entirely from wood or that have a particleboard or composite core. In addition, you can install weatherstripping around the perimeter of the door, which will help keep sound from traveling around it. One of the easiest materials you can use is high-density foam tape with an adhesive backing.

Fix that squeaky floor

While you may have learned to walk around that one spot in the floor with the insistent squeak, why not rub it out all together? A quick, but not permanent, fix for squeaky hardwood floors is to sprinkle baby powder in the cracks, which will temporarily silence the squeak. To eliminate the squeak for good, make sure the subfloor is completely nailed down, repair loose planks or install bridging against the subfloor. Go to to browse flooring options.

Control volume

Keep your television and stereo at a reasonable volume and adjust volume settings on your phones and other devices. Turn off computers when not in use. If you are in the market for a new appliance, consider purchasing a less noisy model.

Mask noise

If you can’t quiet a noise entirely and it continues to bother you, you might be able to fight noise with noise – white noise, that is. The quiet and continuous whir of a box fan or pleasant sounds of ocean waves from a noise machine may be just what you need to forget about those more annoying sounds and focus on the task at hand.

Invest in good earplugs

One of the easiest ways to block sound is to invest in some good earplugs, which you can buy at your local drugstore. Go for the earplugs that have the highest rating for blocking decibels. You can pop them in if you’re trying to work at home while the dishwasher is running or at night if your partner snores.

Compliments of Virtual Results

Make the Most of a Tiny Patio


Make the Most of a Tiny Patio

Do you have grand visions of a summer spent outside, enjoying the sunshine and soft warm breeze from your beautiful outdoor space? Do you feel like this is all a fantasy because you have a tiny patio that couldn’t possibly live up to your expectations?

Not to worry! Just because you lack square footage doesn’t mean you can’t fulfill those summertime fantasies like patio shades. Here are some great tips to turn your small patio into something from your dreams. If you want to build a bigger patio, you may get in touch with a home additions contractor to plan this project.

Keep the design consistent

One of the best ways to make your small patio feel more expansive is to keep the design consistent with what you have in the house. When you open the sliding patio doors, the patio becomes an extension of your indoor living space, spilling out into the outdoors. If you have room for furniture, opt for those in the same style as the adjoining room, and choose similar colors. You can check out stores like California Backyard patio furniture to see some designs. Keep the floor plan open so that the indoor room flows seamlessly onto the patio. Check out this website for their landscape design and build services.

Consider Proportions

Nothing overwhelms a tiny space like big furniture, so choosing the best sizes for your small patio is key. Opt for chairs and tables with thin lines, clear acrylic or glass to take up less visual space. Make the most of the space you do have by choosing furniture that does double duty, such as a storage box that can double as a bench. Nesting tables and folding chairs also save space when not in use.

Hang a mirror

Mirrors are a common choice in small interiors to help make the space feel bigger, and the same can apply on your patio. Mirrors can help reflect nature back at you, and if you choose a mirror in a bright color or with a stylish design, you can add some wonderful visual flair while you’re at it.

Think vertically

Think you can’t have a garden because you don’t have the space on your patio? Think again. Many homeowners with small patios have turned to vertical gardening, using the walls of their patio space to grow both vegetables and flowers. View here brussel sprouts growing stages. A trellis can be used for vining plants, and a pallet garden can be the perfect place to tuck lettuce, herbs and other edible plants.

Don’t forget the floor

Don’t leave the floor out when you decorate your outdoor space. In fact, adding a stamped concrete patio floor will make the space feel much more inviting and livable. Throw rugs can help to soften and warm up a cold floor, and there are even products on the market that allow you to install a temporary wooden floor over concrete.

Add finishing touches

After all these considerations, what’s really going to make the difference in your outdoor space are all the finishing touches that make it feel personal. String lights will warm up the space in the evening, throw pillows will make everything more comfortable, and a cozy blanket will make those chilly nights much more inviting.

Just because you have a small patio doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! With a little thought and creativity, you can turn your tiny space into an outdoor oasis.

How to Create a Functional Home Office


How to Create a Functional Home OfficeAre you one of the millions of Americans working from home? Or maybe you have a job outside the home but need a good “command center” from which to run your household? If you’re tired of letting your kitchen table double as your workspace, here are some great tips to set up your own home office space.

Choose a space

First of all, think about how much time you’ll be spending each day in your home office. If the answer is more than a few minutes, don’t be stingy about claiming some usable space to work in. Nothing is more disheartening than squeezing into a windowless closet in order to preserve your child’s bedroom – years after they went away to college.

If you have a spare room that can be converted into an office space, great. If not, take a look around your home to find an area that can function as a permanent workspace, such as an unused area under a staircase, a breakfast nook, or a corner of your living room. Keep in mind how much privacy or quiet you will need, and whether or not you’ll be meeting clients in your space. You should also consider getting a business phone for communicating with clients. You can check it out here. If you live in the San Francisco area and you need to install some cables in your home to setup a reliable internet access in your office, you may get in touch with companies like Signal Solutions.

Consider the furniture

What type of work do you do, and how much space will you need to complete it? Take some time to find the right desk, bookshelves and other types of storage you may need. Invest in a Filing cabinet Singapore – LTC Office Supplies to keep your files organized. Consider how much space you have to work with, and adjust accordingly. Also keep in mind that this is an area of your home, so don’t be afraid to make personal choices that reflect your individual tastes. One of the perks of working from a home office is not having to slave away under fluorescent lights in a gray cubicle. Make your home office a place you enjoy spending time in.

Invest in a good chair

If your work demands sitting at a desk for any length of time during working hours, then invest in a good chair. Of all the furniture you buy for your home office, this is the one you should spend the money on. Choose a chair that is not only comfortable and ergonomic, but also beautiful and functional in your space.

Don’t forget the lights

Make sure your home office space has plenty of good lighting to reduce eyestrain and headaches. Make use of any natural light that is coming into the space and be sure to position computer screens so there isn’t glare. Have sufficient overhead lighting to illuminate the room and place a lamp on your desk for strong task lighting.

Use vertical space

If your home office space is short on square footage, you can make the most of what you have by utilizing wall space for storage. Floating shelves above your desk can help to organize papers and vertical files attached the wall can help keep important documents close at hand.

Make it personal

Your home office is a reflection of who you are, so don’t be afraid to paint the walls a bold color, hang art you love, line the floor with colorful throw rugs and place personal mementos on the shelves and desk. It’s your space – make it one you love to be in!

Compliments of Virtual Results