Version 2 of the VR Real Estate Listing Management WP Plugin

By Drew Meyers on April 01, 2011

It’s a given your listings — both active and past solds — need to be showcased prominently on your website. And we know listings need to be displayed with high resolution photos and that everyone hates data entry. It’s also a given that a listing price can and does change from time to time. For instance, your seller and you may decide to drop the price after 6 months on the market. When that happens, ideally, you would change the list price in one central place and it would change everywhere online — right? Well, the VR Real Estate Listing Management WP Plugin takes you one step closer to making that happen. We know the MLS is the first place that you change a list price — and then your website is probably the second place. For those of you with one of our new predesigned websites that work, you no longer have to worry about changing the list price in both your MLS and the backend of your website. Change it in your MLS, and your website automatically updates!

Version 1 of our plugin, which merged your own high res photos with virtually zero listing data entry other than the MLS #, was awesome – but version 2 is simply amazing. The plugin now supports past solds (complete with your own “Sold” page) as well as actives in areas without IDX coverage such as Manhattan. Plus, entering the MLS number now auto-fills your details fields so that your “listings” landing page (example on HomeSalesOrangeCounty) now displays a description of the listing as well as just the address.

To insert a listing, simply hit “add listing” from your dashboard, enter the address & MLS id number, add your high resolution photos — and you’re done! For those interested in the details, here’s the more detailed process of adding a listing.

You must be a Virtual Results client to use this plugin. If you’re interested in making the leap from a website that doesn’t work to one that actually does workget in touch with us.

And stay tuned — we’ve got more cool stuff in the works to share soon.

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