Fall Home Maintenance
Fall is here, and that means it’s time to get your home ready for the change of seasons. Even if your region doesn’t experience snow or freezing temperatures, it’s important to complete these chores every year. Here’s the rundown of what maintenance you should be doing to get your home ready for fall and winter.
Clean gutters
It’s essential to check and clean your gutters in the fall. Gutters help to direct rainwater away from your home, preventing leaks in the foundation. Leaves and debris can accumulate in your gutters which can make them work less efficiently. While you’re cleaning, check for signs of roof damages that may require professional roofing services.
Seal cracks in windows and doors
Drafts will make your home less energy-efficient and drive up your energy bills. Before the temperatures drop below 50 degrees, check the caulk around doors and windows. If it’s cracked or getting old, then replace it. Find good handymen in London to do home repairs for you. Be aware that caulk does not cure when it drops below 50 degrees, so complete this job sooner rather than later.
Protect outdoor plumbing
There is nothing worse than a burst pipe caused by freezing temperatures. That’s why you need to protect your outdoor plumbing before the temperatures plunge. You may hire a professional plumber from reliable and trusted companies like Mackin & Sons Plumbing. Drain the water from outdoor faucets and turn off the valve that supplies water to them. Visit sites like craftsman-plumbing.com/plumbing-installation-in-seattle-wa/ for professional help. If your septic tank is almost full, contact a plumber in Gainesville now who can provide residential septic tank pumping services as it may be harder to work on your septic tank in the winter.
Store outdoor furniture
Yes, outdoor furniture is made to withstand weather. But that doesn’t mean you should leave it out all winter long. If possible, store your outdoor furniture in your shed or garage. If that’s not possible, then purchase coverings for your outdoor furniture. This will greatly extend the life of your outdoor seating.
Replace batteries
The changing of seasons is the best time to replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. In fact, one of the easiest ways to remember to complete this chore is to do it during Daylight Saving time. If you have hardwired detectors, then check for battery back-ups and replace those.
Change filters
Another important chore to complete this fall in your home is changing your furnace filter. Your furnace cannot run properly with a clogged filter. In most cases, you should consider completing this task monthly, not just during the change of seasons to avoid any untimely furnace repair. Many filters can be vacuumed and reused before they need to be replaced. It just takes a couple of minutes but will make a big difference in how efficiently your furnace operates,
Check winter tools
If you live in an area that gets snow, then you should check your winter equipment before the first flake hits the ground. Getting that first snowstorm is delightful until you realize your snowblower is out of commission. Make sure your equipment is working properly and have it serviced or replaced as needed.
Don’t forget the lawn
With winter approaching, it’s easy to disregard your lawn. After all, you won’t be mowing it again for many months. But maintenance that you complete now can make a big difference in the spring. Roots are still growing in your lawn, so applying fertilizer in the fall can help prevent damage over the colder months. It will also revitalize your lawn more quickly in the spring.
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